142 research outputs found

    News Session-Based Recommendations using Deep Neural Networks

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    News recommender systems are aimed to personalize users experiences and help them to discover relevant articles from a large and dynamic search space. Therefore, news domain is a challenging scenario for recommendations, due to its sparse user profiling, fast growing number of items, accelerated item's value decay, and users preferences dynamic shift. Some promising results have been recently achieved by the usage of Deep Learning techniques on Recommender Systems, specially for item's feature extraction and for session-based recommendations with Recurrent Neural Networks. In this paper, it is proposed an instantiation of the CHAMELEON -- a Deep Learning Meta-Architecture for News Recommender Systems. This architecture is composed of two modules, the first responsible to learn news articles representations, based on their text and metadata, and the second module aimed to provide session-based recommendations using Recurrent Neural Networks. The recommendation task addressed in this work is next-item prediction for users sessions: "what is the next most likely article a user might read in a session?" Users sessions context is leveraged by the architecture to provide additional information in such extreme cold-start scenario of news recommendation. Users' behavior and item features are both merged in an hybrid recommendation approach. A temporal offline evaluation method is also proposed as a complementary contribution, for a more realistic evaluation of such task, considering dynamic factors that affect global readership interests like popularity, recency, and seasonality. Experiments with an extensive number of session-based recommendation methods were performed and the proposed instantiation of CHAMELEON meta-architecture obtained a significant relative improvement in top-n accuracy and ranking metrics (10% on Hit Rate and 13% on MRR) over the best benchmark methods.Comment: Accepted for the Third Workshop on Deep Learning for Recommender Systems - DLRS 2018, October 02-07, 2018, Vancouver, Canada. https://recsys.acm.org/recsys18/dlrs

    AutoSVD++: An Efficient Hybrid Collaborative Filtering Model via Contractive Auto-encoders

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    Collaborative filtering (CF) has been successfully used to provide users with personalized products and services. However, dealing with the increasing sparseness of user-item matrix still remains a challenge. To tackle such issue, hybrid CF such as combining with content based filtering and leveraging side information of users and items has been extensively studied to enhance performance. However, most of these approaches depend on hand-crafted feature engineering, which are usually noise-prone and biased by different feature extraction and selection schemes. In this paper, we propose a new hybrid model by generalizing contractive auto-encoder paradigm into matrix factorization framework with good scalability and computational efficiency, which jointly model content information as representations of effectiveness and compactness, and leverage implicit user feedback to make accurate recommendations. Extensive experiments conducted over three large scale real datasets indicate the proposed approach outperforms the compared methods for item recommendation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Privacy-Aware Recommender Systems Challenge on Twitter's Home Timeline

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    Recommender systems constitute the core engine of most social network platforms nowadays, aiming to maximize user satisfaction along with other key business objectives. Twitter is no exception. Despite the fact that Twitter data has been extensively used to understand socioeconomic and political phenomena and user behaviour, the implicit feedback provided by users on Tweets through their engagements on the Home Timeline has only been explored to a limited extent. At the same time, there is a lack of large-scale public social network datasets that would enable the scientific community to both benchmark and build more powerful and comprehensive models that tailor content to user interests. By releasing an original dataset of 160 million Tweets along with engagement information, Twitter aims to address exactly that. During this release, special attention is drawn on maintaining compliance with existing privacy laws. Apart from user privacy, this paper touches on the key challenges faced by researchers and professionals striving to predict user engagements. It further describes the key aspects of the RecSys 2020 Challenge that was organized by ACM RecSys in partnership with Twitter using this dataset.Comment: 16 pages, 2 table
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