3 research outputs found

    Rebalancing Frequency Considerations for Kelly-Optimal Stock Portfolios in a Control-Theoretic Framework

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    In this paper, motivated by the celebrated work of Kelly, we consider the problem of portfolio weight selection to maximize expected logarithmic growth. Going beyond existing literature, our focal point here is the rebalancing frequency which we include as an additional parameter in our analysis. The problem is first set in a control-theoretic framework, and then, the main question we address is as follows: In the absence of transaction costs, does high-frequency trading always lead to the best performance? Related to this is our prior work on betting, also in the Kelly context, which examines the impact of making a wager and letting it ride. Our results on betting frequency can be interpreted in the context of weight selection for a two-asset portfolio consisting of one risky asset and one riskless asset. With regard to the question above, our prior results indicate that it is often the case that there are no performance benefits associated with high-frequency trading. In the present paper, we generalize the analysis to portfolios with multiple risky assets. We show that if there is an asset satisfying a new condition which we call dominance, then an optimal portfolio consists of this asset alone; i.e., the trader has "all eggs in one basket" and performance becomes a constant function of rebalancing frequency. Said another way, the problem of rebalancing is rendered moot. The paper also includes simulations which address practical considerations associated with real stock prices and the dominant asset condition.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Miami Beach, FL, 201

    On Feedback Control in Kelly Betting: An Approximation Approach

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    In this paper, we consider a simple discrete-time optimal betting problem using the celebrated Kelly criterion, which calls for maximization of the expected logarithmic growth of wealth. While the classical Kelly betting problem can be solved via standard concave programming technique, an alternative but attractive approach is to invoke a Taylor-based approximation, which recasts the problem into quadratic programming and obtain the closed-form approximate solution. The focal point of this paper is to fill some voids in the existing results by providing some interesting properties when such an approximate solution is used. Specifically, the best achievable betting performance, positivity of expected cumulative gain or loss and its associated variance, expected growth property, variance of logarithmic growth, and results related to the so-called survivability (no bankruptcy) are provided.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA

    The Impact of Execution Delay on Kelly-Based Stock Trading: High-Frequency Versus Buy and Hold

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    Stock trading based on Kelly's celebrated Expected Logarithmic Growth (ELG) criterion, a well-known prescription for optimal resource allocation, has received considerable attention in the literature. Using ELG as the performance metric, we compare the impact of trade execution delay on the relative performance of high-frequency trading versus buy and hold. While it is intuitively obvious and straightforward to prove that in the presence of sufficiently high transaction costs, buy and hold is the better strategy, is it possible that with no transaction costs, buy and hold can still be the better strategy? When there is no delay in trade execution, we prove a theorem saying that the answer is ``no.'' However, when there is delay in trade execution, we present simulation results using a binary lattice stock model to show that the answer can be ``yes.'' This is seen to be true whether self-financing is imposed or not.Comment: Has been accepted to the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 201