26 research outputs found

    ShapeEditer: a StyleGAN Encoder for Face Swapping

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    In this paper, we propose a novel encoder, called ShapeEditor, for high-resolution, realistic and high-fidelity face exchange. First of all, in order to ensure sufficient clarity and authenticity, our key idea is to use an advanced pretrained high-quality random face image generator, i.e. StyleGAN, as backbone. Secondly, we design ShapeEditor, a two-step encoder, to make the swapped face integrate the identity and attribute of the input faces. In the first step, we extract the identity vector of the source image and the attribute vector of the target image respectively; in the second step, we map the concatenation of identity vector and attribute vector into the W+\mathcal{W+} potential space. In addition, for learning to map into the latent space of StyleGAN, we propose a set of self-supervised loss functions with which the training data do not need to be labeled manually. Extensive experiments on the test dataset show that the results of our method not only have a great advantage in clarity and authenticity than other state-of-the-art methods, but also reflect the sufficient integration of identity and attribute.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    DeepWrinkles: Accurate and Realistic Clothing Modeling

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    We present a novel method to generate accurate and realistic clothing deformation from real data capture. Previous methods for realistic cloth modeling mainly rely on intensive computation of physics-based simulation (with numerous heuristic parameters), while models reconstructed from visual observations typically suffer from lack of geometric details. Here, we propose an original framework consisting of two modules that work jointly to represent global shape deformation as well as surface details with high fidelity. Global shape deformations are recovered from a subspace model learned from 3D data of clothed people in motion, while high frequency details are added to normal maps created using a conditional Generative Adversarial Network whose architecture is designed to enforce realism and temporal consistency. This leads to unprecedented high-quality rendering of clothing deformation sequences, where fine wrinkles from (real) high resolution observations can be recovered. In addition, as the model is learned independently from body shape and pose, the framework is suitable for applications that require retargeting (e.g., body animation). Our experiments show original high quality results with a flexible model. We claim an entirely data-driven approach to realistic cloth wrinkle generation is possible.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figures, 15th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2018, Oral Presentatio

    Dynamics Transfer GAN: Generating Video by Transferring Arbitrary Temporal Dynamics from a Source Video to a Single Target Image

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    In this paper, we propose Dynamics Transfer GAN; a new method for generating video sequences based on generative adversarial learning. The spatial constructs of a generated video sequence are acquired from the target image. The dynamics of the generated video sequence are imported from a source video sequence, with arbitrary motion, and imposed onto the target image. To preserve the spatial construct of the target image, the appearance of the source video sequence is suppressed and only the dynamics are obtained before being imposed onto the target image. That is achieved using the proposed appearance suppressed dynamics feature. Moreover, the spatial and temporal consistencies of the generated video sequence are verified via two discriminator networks. One discriminator validates the fidelity of the generated frames appearance, while the other validates the dynamic consistency of the generated video sequence. Experiments have been conducted to verify the quality of the video sequences generated by the proposed method. The results verified that Dynamics Transfer GAN successfully transferred arbitrary dynamics of the source video sequence onto a target image when generating the output video sequence. The experimental results also showed that Dynamics Transfer GAN maintained the spatial constructs (appearance) of the target image while generating spatially and temporally consistent video sequences

    X2Face: A network for controlling face generation by using images, audio, and pose codes

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    The objective of this paper is a neural network model that controls the pose and expression of a given face, using another face or modality (e.g. audio). This model can then be used for lightweight, sophisticated video and image editing. We make the following three contributions. First, we introduce a network, X2Face, that can control a source face (specified by one or more frames) using another face in a driving frame to produce a generated frame with the identity of the source frame but the pose and expression of the face in the driving frame. Second, we propose a method for training the network fully self-supervised using a large collection of video data. Third, we show that the generation process can be driven by other modalities, such as audio or pose codes, without any further training of the network. The generation results for driving a face with another face are compared to state-of-the-art self-supervised/supervised methods. We show that our approach is more robust than other methods, as it makes fewer assumptions about the input data. We also show examples of using our framework for video face editing.Comment: To appear in ECCV 2018. Accompanying video: http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/research/unsup_learn_watch_faces/x2face.htm

    Synthesized Texture Quality Assessment via Multi-scale Spatial and Statistical Texture Attributes of Image and Gradient Magnitude Coefficients

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    Perceptual quality assessment for synthesized textures is a challenging task. In this paper, we propose a training-free reduced-reference (RR) objective quality assessment method that quantifies the perceived quality of synthesized textures. The proposed reduced-reference synthesized texture quality assessment metric is based on measuring the spatial and statistical attributes of the texture image using both image- and gradient-based wavelet coefficients at multiple scales. Performance evaluations on two synthesized texture databases demonstrate that our proposed RR synthesized texture quality metric significantly outperforms both full-reference and RR state-of-the-art quality metrics in predicting the perceived visual quality of the synthesized textures

    Task-agnostic Temporally Consistent Facial Video Editing

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    Recent research has witnessed the advances in facial image editing tasks. For video editing, however, previous methods either simply apply transformations frame by frame or utilize multiple frames in a concatenated or iterative fashion, which leads to noticeable visual flickers. In addition, these methods are confined to dealing with one specific task at a time without any extensibility. In this paper, we propose a task-agnostic temporally consistent facial video editing framework. Based on a 3D reconstruction model, our framework is designed to handle several editing tasks in a more unified and disentangled manner. The core design includes a dynamic training sample selection mechanism and a novel 3D temporal loss constraint that fully exploits both image and video datasets and enforces temporal consistency. Compared with the state-of-the-art facial image editing methods, our framework generates video portraits that are more photo-realistic and temporally smooth

    Harmonizing Maximum Likelihood with GANs for Multimodal Conditional Generation

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    Recent advances in conditional image generation tasks, such as image-to-image translation and image inpainting, are largely accounted to the success of conditional GAN models, which are often optimized by the joint use of the GAN loss with the reconstruction loss. However, we reveal that this training recipe shared by almost all existing methods causes one critical side effect: lack of diversity in output samples. In order to accomplish both training stability and multimodal output generation, we propose novel training schemes with a new set of losses named moment reconstruction losses that simply replace the reconstruction loss. We show that our approach is applicable to any conditional generation tasks by performing thorough experiments on image-to-image translation, super-resolution and image inpainting using Cityscapes and CelebA dataset. Quantitative evaluations also confirm that our methods achieve a great diversity in outputs while retaining or even improving the visual fidelity of generated samples.Comment: Accepted as a conference paper at ICLR 201

    Towards Disentangled Representations for Human Retargeting by Multi-view Learning

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    We study the problem of learning disentangled representations for data across multiple domains and its applications in human retargeting. Our goal is to map an input image to an identity-invariant latent representation that captures intrinsic factors such as expressions and poses. To this end, we present a novel multi-view learning approach that leverages various data sources such as images, keypoints, and poses. Our model consists of multiple id-conditioned VAEs for different views of the data. During training, we encourage the latent embeddings to be consistent across these views. Our observation is that auxiliary data like keypoints and poses contain critical, id-agnostic semantic information, and it is easier to train a disentangling CVAE on these simpler views to separate such semantics from other id-specific attributes. We show that training multi-view CVAEs and encourage latent-consistency guides the image encoding to preserve the semantics of expressions and poses, leading to improved disentangled representations and better human retargeting results

    Head2Head: Video-based Neural Head Synthesis

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    In this paper, we propose a novel machine learning architecture for facial reenactment. In particular, contrary to the model-based approaches or recent frame-based methods that use Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs) to generate individual frames, we propose a novel method that (a) exploits the special structure of facial motion (paying particular attention to mouth motion) and (b) enforces temporal consistency. We demonstrate that the proposed method can transfer facial expressions, pose and gaze of a source actor to a target video in a photo-realistic fashion more accurately than state-of-the-art methods.Comment: To be published in 15th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2020

    Personalized Face Modeling for Improved Face Reconstruction and Motion Retargeting

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    Traditional methods for image-based 3D face reconstruction and facial motion retargeting fit a 3D morphable model (3DMM) to the face, which has limited modeling capacity and fail to generalize well to in-the-wild data. Use of deformation transfer or multilinear tensor as a personalized 3DMM for blendshape interpolation does not address the fact that facial expressions result in different local and global skin deformations in different persons. Moreover, existing methods learn a single albedo per user which is not enough to capture the expression-specific skin reflectance variations. We propose an end-to-end framework that jointly learns a personalized face model per user and per-frame facial motion parameters from a large corpus of in-the-wild videos of user expressions. Specifically, we learn user-specific expression blendshapes and dynamic (expression-specific) albedo maps by predicting personalized corrections on top of a 3DMM prior. We introduce novel constraints to ensure that the corrected blendshapes retain their semantic meanings and the reconstructed geometry is disentangled from the albedo. Experimental results show that our personalization accurately captures fine-grained facial dynamics in a wide range of conditions and efficiently decouples the learned face model from facial motion, resulting in more accurate face reconstruction and facial motion retargeting compared to state-of-the-art methods.Comment: ECCV 2020 (spotlight), webpage: https://homes.cs.washington.edu/~bindita/personalizedfacemodeling.htm