1,311 research outputs found

    Biosignal Generation and Latent Variable Analysis with Recurrent Generative Adversarial Networks

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    The effectiveness of biosignal generation and data augmentation with biosignal generative models based on generative adversarial networks (GANs), which are a type of deep learning technique, was demonstrated in our previous paper. GAN-based generative models only learn the projection between a random distribution as input data and the distribution of training data.Therefore, the relationship between input and generated data is unclear, and the characteristics of the data generated from this model cannot be controlled. This study proposes a method for generating time-series data based on GANs and explores their ability to generate biosignals with certain classes and characteristics. Moreover, in the proposed method, latent variables are analyzed using canonical correlation analysis (CCA) to represent the relationship between input and generated data as canonical loadings. Using these loadings, we can control the characteristics of the data generated by the proposed method. The influence of class labels on generated data is analyzed by feeding the data interpolated between two class labels into the generator of the proposed GANs. The CCA of the latent variables is shown to be an effective method of controlling the generated data characteristics. We are able to model the distribution of the time-series data without requiring domain-dependent knowledge using the proposed method. Furthermore, it is possible to control the characteristics of these data by analyzing the model trained using the proposed method. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to generate biosignals using GANs while controlling the characteristics of the generated data

    Generating synthetic mixed-type longitudinal electronic health records for artificial intelligent applications

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    The recent availability of electronic health records (EHRs) have provided enormous opportunities to develop artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms. However, patient privacy has become a major concern that limits data sharing across hospital settings and subsequently hinders the advances in AI. Synthetic data, which benefits from the development and proliferation of generative models, has served as a promising substitute for real patient EHR data. However, the current generative models are limited as they only generate single type of clinical data for a synthetic patient, i.e., either continuous-valued or discrete-valued. To mimic the nature of clinical decision-making which encompasses various data types/sources, in this study, we propose a generative adversarial network (GAN) entitled EHR-M-GAN that simultaneously synthesizes mixed-type timeseries EHR data. EHR-M-GAN is capable of capturing the multidimensional, heterogeneous, and correlated temporal dynamics in patient trajectories. We have validated EHR-M-GAN on three publicly-available intensive care unit databases with records from a total of 141,488 unique patients, and performed privacy risk evaluation of the proposed model. EHR-M-GAN has demonstrated its superiority over state-of-the-art benchmarks for synthesizing clinical timeseries with high fidelity, while addressing the limitations regarding data types and dimensionality in the current generative models. Notably, prediction models for outcomes of intensive care performed significantly better when training data was augmented with the addition of EHR-M-GAN-generated timeseries. EHR-M-GAN may have use in developing AI algorithms in resource-limited settings, lowering the barrier for data acquisition while preserving patient privacy

    Synthetic Observational Health Data with GANs: from slow adoption to a boom in medical research and ultimately digital twins?

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    After being collected for patient care, Observational Health Data (OHD) can further benefit patient well-being by sustaining the development of health informatics and medical research. Vast potential is unexploited because of the fiercely private nature of patient-related data and regulations to protect it. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have recently emerged as a groundbreaking way to learn generative models that produce realistic synthetic data. They have revolutionized practices in multiple domains such as self-driving cars, fraud detection, digital twin simulations in industrial sectors, and medical imaging. The digital twin concept could readily apply to modelling and quantifying disease progression. In addition, GANs posses many capabilities relevant to common problems in healthcare: lack of data, class imbalance, rare diseases, and preserving privacy. Unlocking open access to privacy-preserving OHD could be transformative for scientific research. In the midst of COVID-19, the healthcare system is facing unprecedented challenges, many of which of are data related for the reasons stated above. Considering these facts, publications concerning GAN applied to OHD seemed to be severely lacking. To uncover the reasons for this slow adoption, we broadly reviewed the published literature on the subject. Our findings show that the properties of OHD were initially challenging for the existing GAN algorithms (unlike medical imaging, for which state-of-the-art model were directly transferable) and the evaluation synthetic data lacked clear metrics. We find more publications on the subject than expected, starting slowly in 2017, and since then at an increasing rate. The difficulties of OHD remain, and we discuss issues relating to evaluation, consistency, benchmarking, data modelling, and reproducibility.Comment: 31 pages (10 in previous version), not including references and glossary, 51 in total. Inclusion of a large number of recent publications and expansion of the discussion accordingl

    Data Augmentation of IMU Signals and Evaluation via a Semi-Supervised Classification of Driving Behavior

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    Over the past years, interest in classifying drivers' behavior from data has surged. Such interest is particularly relevant for car insurance companies who, due to privacy constraints, often only have access to data from Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) or similar. In this paper, we present a semi-supervised learning solution to classify portions of trips according to whether drivers are driving aggressively or normally based on such IMU data. Since the amount of labeled IMU data is limited and costly to generate, we utilize Recurrent Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (RCGAN) to generate more labeled data. Our results show that, by utilizing RCGAN-generated labeled data, the classification of the drivers is improved in 79% of the cases, compared to when the drivers are classified with no generated data.Comment: Extended version of the paper accepted to The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation System
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