99 research outputs found

    Gradient-based Optimization for Bayesian Preference Elicitation

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    Effective techniques for eliciting user preferences have taken on added importance as recommender systems (RSs) become increasingly interactive and conversational. A common and conceptually appealing Bayesian criterion for selecting queries is expected value of information (EVOI). Unfortunately, it is computationally prohibitive to construct queries with maximum EVOI in RSs with large item spaces. We tackle this issue by introducing a continuous formulation of EVOI as a differentiable network that can be optimized using gradient methods available in modern machine learning (ML) computational frameworks (e.g., TensorFlow, PyTorch). We exploit this to develop a novel, scalable Monte Carlo method for EVOI optimization, which is more scalable for large item spaces than methods requiring explicit enumeration of items. While we emphasize the use of this approach for pairwise (or k-wise) comparisons of items, we also demonstrate how our method can be adapted to queries involving subsets of item attributes or "partial items," which are often more cognitively manageable for users. Experiments show that our gradient-based EVOI technique achieves state-of-the-art performance across several domains while scaling to large item spaces.Comment: To appear in the Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-20

    A Study in Preference Elicitation under Uncertainty

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    In many areas of Artificial Intelligence (AI), we are interested in helping people make better decisions. This help can result in two advantages. First, computers can process large amounts of data and perform quick calculations, leading to better decisions. Second, if a user does not have to think about some decisions, they have more time to focus on other things they find important. Since users' preferences are private, in order to make intelligent decisions, we need to elicit an accurate model of the users' preferences for different outcomes. We are specifically interested in outcomes involving a degree of risk or uncertainty. A common goal in AI preference elicitation is minimizing regret, or loss of utility. We are often interested in minimax regret, or minimizing the worst-case regret. This thesis examines three important aspects of preference elicitation and minimax regret. First, the standard elicitation process in AI assumes users' preferences follow the axioms of Expected Utility Theory (EUT). However, there is strong evidence from psychology that people may systematically deviate from EUT. Cumulative prospect theory (CPT) is an alternative model to expected utility theory which has been shown empirically to better explain humans' decision-making in risky settings. We show that the standard elicitation process can be incompatible with CPT. We develop a new elicitation process that is compatible with both CPT and minimax regret. Second, since minimax regret focuses on the worst-case regret, minimax regret is often an overly cautious estimate of the actual regret. As a result, using minimax regret can often create an unnecessarily long elicitation process. We create a new measure of regret that can be a more accurate estimate of the actual regret. Our measurement of regret is especially well suited for eliciting preferences from multiple users. Finally, we examine issues of multiattribute preferences. Multiattribute preferences provide a natural way for people to reason about preferences. Unfortunately, in the worst-case, the complexity of a user's preferences grows exponentially with respect to the number of attributes. Several models have been proposed to help create compact representations of multiattribute preferences. We compare both the worst-case and average-case relative compactness

    Coarse preferences: representation, elicitation, and decision making

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    In this thesis we present a theory for learning and inference of user preferences with a novel hierarchical representation that captures preferential indifference. Such models of ’Coarse Preferences’ represent the space of solutions with a uni-dimensional, discrete latent space of ’categories’. This results in a partitioning of the space of solutions into preferential equivalence classes. This hierarchical model significantly reduces the computational burden of learning and inference, with improvements both in computation time and convergence behaviour with respect to number of samples. We argue that this Coarse Preferences model facilitates the efficient solution of previously computationally prohibitive recommendation procedures. The new problem of ’coordination through set recommendation’ is one such procedure where we formulate an optimisation problem by leveraging the factored nature of our representation. Furthermore, we show how an on-line learning algorithm can be used for the efficient solution of this problem. Other benefits of our proposed model include increased quality of recommendations in Recommender Systems applications, in domains where users’ behaviour is consistent with such a hierarchical preference structure. We evaluate the usefulness of our proposed model and algorithms through experiments with two recommendation domains - a clothing retailer’s online interface, and a popular movie database. Our experimental results demonstrate computational gains over state of the art methods that use an additive decomposition of preferences in on-line active learning for recommendation
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