2 research outputs found

    A Framework for the Generation of Textures Representing Time-Dependent Changes in the Appearance of Dust Layers

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    The perception of realism in computer generated images can be significantly enhanced by subtle visual cues. Among those, one can highlight the presence of dust on synthetic objects, which is often subject to temporal variations in real settings. Moreover, by re- alistically depicting the appearance of dust accumulated over time, one can also convey subtle information about the history of a scene. In this thesis, we present a framework for the generation of textures representing the accumulation of this ubiquitous material over time in indoor settings. It employs a physically-inspired approach to portray the effects of different levels of accumulated dust roughness on the appearance of substrate surfaces, and to modulate these effects according to the different illumination and viewing geometries. The development of its core algorithms was guided by empirical insights and data obtained from observational experiments which are also described. To illustrate its applicability to the rendering of visually plausible depictions of time-dependent changes in dusty scenes, we provide sequences of images obtained considering distinct dust accumulation scenarios

    Real-time Physics Based Simulation for 3D Computer Graphics

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    Restoration of realistic animation is a critical part in the area of computer graphics. The goal of this sort of simulation is to imitate the behavior of the transformation in real life to the greatest extent. Physics-based simulation provides a solid background and proficient theories that can be applied in the simulation. In this dissertation, I will present real-time simulations which are physics-based in the area of terrain deformation and ship oscillations. When ground vehicles navigate on soft terrains such as sand, snow and mud, they often leave distinctive tracks. The realistic simulation of such vehicle-terrain interaction is important for ground based visual simulations and many video games. However, the existing research in terrain deformation has not addressed this issue effectively. In this dissertation, I present a new terrain deformation algorithm for simulating vehicle-terrain interaction in real time. The algorithm is based on the classic terramechanics theories, and calculates terrain deformation according to the vehicle load, velocity, tire size, and soil concentration. As a result, this algorithm can simulate different vehicle tracks on different types of terrains with different vehicle properties. I demonstrate my algorithm by vehicle tracks on soft terrain. In the field of ship oscillation simulation, I propose a new method for simulating ship motions in waves. Although there have been plenty of previous work on physics based fluid-solid simulation, most of these methods are not suitable for real-time applications. In particular, few methods are designed specifically for simulating ship motion in waves. My method is based on physics theories of ship motion, but with necessary simplifications to ensure real-time performance. My results show that this method is well suited to simulate sophisticated ship motions in real time applications