4 research outputs found

    Reactive provisioning of backend databases in shared dynamic content server clusters

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    This paper introduces a self-configuring architecture for on-demand resource allocation to applications in a shared database cluster. We use a unified approach to load and fault management based on data replication and reactive replica provisioning. While data replication provides scaling and high availability, reactive provisioning dynamically allocates additional replicas to applications in response to peak loads or failure conditions, thus providing per application performance. We design an efficient method for data migration when joining a new replica to a running application that allows for the quick addition of replicas with minimal disruption of transaction processing. Furthermore, by augmenting the adaptation feedback loop with awareness of the delay introduced by the data migration process in our replicated system, we avoid oscillations in resource allocation. We investigate our transparent database provisioning mechanisms in the context of multitier dynamic content Web servers. We dynamically expand/contract the respective allocations within the database tier for two different applications, the TPC-W e-commerce benchmark and the RUBIS online auction benchmark. We demonstrate that our techniques provide quality of service under different load and failure scenarios. Categories and Subject Descriptors: H.2.4 [Database Management]: Systems—Query processing; H.2.7 [Database Management]: Database Administration—Logging and recover