3,309 research outputs found

    Dynamic Scheduling

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    Jedním z problémů rozvrhování výroby v reálném životě je dynamičnost výrobních prostředí zahrnující nové výrobní požadavky a rozbíjející se zařízení během vykonávání rozvrhu. Prosté přerozvržení od nuly v reakci na neočekávané události, které nastávají v provozu, může vyžadovat nadměrný výpočetní čas. Obnovený rozvrh může být navíc neúnosně odchýlený od toho probíhajícího. Tato práce podává přehled o stávajících přístupech v oblasti dynamického rozvrhování a navrhuje postupy jak upravit rozvrh při vyrušení, jako je například selhání zdroje, příchod naléhavé objednávky nebo její zrušení. Důraz je kladen na rychlost navržených procedur i na minimální modifikaci původního rozvrhu. Rozvrhovací model vychází z projektu FlowOpt, který je založen na temporálních sítích s alternativami. Algoritmy jsou napsány v jazyce C#.One of the problems of real-life production scheduling is dynamics of manufacturing environments with new production demands and breaking machines during the schedule execution. Simple rescheduling from scratch in response to unexpected events occurring on the shop floor may require excessive computation time. Moreover, the recovered schedule may be prohibitively deviated from the ongoing schedule. This thesis reviews existing approaches in the field of dynamic scheduling and proposes techniques how to modify a schedule to accommodate disturbances such as resource failure, hot order arrival or order cancellation. The importance is put on the speed of suggested procedures as well as on a minimum modification from the original schedule. The scheduling model is motivated by the FlowOpt project, which is based on the Temporal Networks with Alternatives. The algorithms are written in the C# language.Department of Theoretical Computer Science and Mathematical LogicKatedra teoretické informatiky a matematické logikyMatematicko-fyzikální fakultaFaculty of Mathematics and Physic

    Replanning in Predictive-reactive Scheduling

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    Abstract Achieving optimal results in real-life production scheduling is precluded by a number of problems. One such problem is dynamics of environments with unavailable resources (such as machine breakdowns and ill workers) and new demands (e.g. new orders) coming during the schedule execution. Traditional approach to react to unexpected events occurring on the shop floor is generating a new schedule from scratch. Complete rescheduling, however, may require excessive computation time. Moreover, the recovered schedule may deviate a lot from the ongoing schedule. Some work has focused on tackling these shortcomings, but none of the existing approaches tries to substitute jobs that cannot be executed with a set of alternative jobs. This paper reviews techniques related to predictive-reactive scheduling and suggests the future goal, which is to propose algorithms for dealing with unexpected events using the possibility of alternative processes

    A general framework integrating techniques for scheduling under uncertainty

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    Ces dernières années, de nombreux travaux de recherche ont porté sur la planification de tâches et l'ordonnancement sous incertitudes. Ce domaine de recherche comprend un large choix de modèles, techniques de résolution et systèmes, et il est difficile de les comparer car les terminologies existantes sont incomplètes. Nous avons cependant identifié des familles d'approches générales qui peuvent être utilisées pour structurer la littérature suivant trois axes perpendiculaires. Cette nouvelle structuration de l'état de l'art est basée sur la façon dont les décisions sont prises. De plus, nous proposons un modèle de génération et d'exécution pour ordonnancer sous incertitudes qui met en oeuvre ces trois familles d'approches. Ce modèle est un automate qui se développe lorsque l'ordonnancement courant n'est plus exécutable ou lorsque des conditions particulières sont vérifiées. Le troisième volet de cette thèse concerne l'étude expérimentale que nous avons menée. Au-dessus de ILOG Solver et Scheduler nous avons implémenté un prototype logiciel en C++, directement instancié de notre modèle de génération et d'exécution. Nous présentons de nouveaux problèmes d'ordonnancement probabilistes et une approche par satisfaction de contraintes combinée avec de la simulation pour les résoudre. ABSTRACT : For last years, a number of research investigations on task planning and scheduling under uncertainty have been conducted. This research domain comprises a large number of models, resolution techniques, and systems, and it is difficult to compare them since the existing terminologies are incomplete. However, we identified general families of approaches that can be used to structure the literature given three perpendicular axes. This new classification of the state of the art is based on the way decisions are taken. In addition, we propose a generation and execution model for scheduling under uncertainty that combines these three families of approaches. This model is an automaton that develops when the current schedule is no longer executable or when some particular conditions are met. The third part of this thesis concerns our experimental study. On top of ILOG Solver and Scheduler, we implemented a software prototype in C++ directly instantiated from our generation and execution model. We present new probabilistic scheduling problems and a constraintbased approach combined with simulation to solve some instances thereof

    Working Notes from the 1992 AAAI Spring Symposium on Practical Approaches to Scheduling and Planning

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    The symposium presented issues involved in the development of scheduling systems that can deal with resource and time limitations. To qualify, a system must be implemented and tested to some degree on non-trivial problems (ideally, on real-world problems). However, a system need not be fully deployed to qualify. Systems that schedule actions in terms of metric time constraints typically represent and reason about an external numeric clock or calendar and can be contrasted with those systems that represent time purely symbolically. The following topics are discussed: integrating planning and scheduling; integrating symbolic goals and numerical utilities; managing uncertainty; incremental rescheduling; managing limited computation time; anytime scheduling and planning algorithms, systems; dependency analysis and schedule reuse; management of schedule and plan execution; and incorporation of discrete event techniques

    PROSIS: An isoarchic structure for HMS control

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    International audienceThis paper presents a holonic and isoarchic approach to the Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) control. This approach is based on a flat holonic form, where each holon is a model for each entity of the FMS, with a unifying level of communication between holons. After description of this model, called PROSIS, the interaction protocol and decision rules are presented. The objective is to increase the FMS productivity and flexibility, particularly on responsiveness aspects. This responsiveness is achieved through decentralized generation of the production tasks. The reactive behaviour of the FMS control is illustrated by the example of a flexible turning cell, upon occurrence of a failure or of an urgent batch order, and the resulting Gantt charts are shown

    A control strategy for promoting shop-floor stability

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    This research aimed to study real-time shop floor control problem in a manufacturing environment with dual resource (machine and labour), under impact of machine breakdowns. In this study, a multiperspective (order and resource perspectives) control strategy is proposed to improve effectiveness of dispatching procedure for promoting shop floor stability. In this control strategy, both order and resource related factors have been taken into account according to information on direct upstream and succeeding workcentres. A simulated manufacturing environment has been developed as a platform for testing and analysing performances of the proposed control strategy. A series of experiments have been carried out in a variety of system settings and conditions in the simulated manufacturing environment. The experiments have shown that the proposed control strategy outperformed the ODD (Earliest Operation Due Date) rule in hostile environments, which have been described by high level of shop load and/or high intensity of machine breakdowns. In hostile environments, the proposed control strategy has given best performance when overtime was not used, and given promising results in reduction of overtime cost when overtime was used to compensate for capacity loss. Further direction of research is also suggested

    An agile and adaptive holonic architecture for manufacturing control

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. 2004. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Port

    Risk-Based Optimal Scheduling for the Predictive Maintenance of Railway Infrastructure

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    In this thesis a risk-based decision support system to schedule the predictive maintenance activities, is proposed. The model deals with the maintenance planning of a railway infrastructure in which the due-dates are defined via failure risk analysis.The novelty of the approach consists of the risk concept introduction in railway maintenance scheduling, according to ISO 55000 guidelines, thus implying that the maintenance priorities are based on asset criticality, determined taking into account the relevant failure probability, related to asset degradation conditions, and the consequent damages

    Proactive-reactive, robust scheduling and capacity planning of deconstruction projects under uncertainty

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    A project planning and decision support model is developed and applied to identify and reduce risk and uncertainty in deconstruction project planning. It allows calculating building inventories based on sensor information and construction standards and it computes robust project plans for different scenarios with multiple modes, constrained renewable resources and locations. A reactive and flexible planning element is proposed in the case of schedule infeasibility during project execution