7 research outputs found

    Testing Library Specifications by Verifying Conformance Tests

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    Abstract. Formal specifications of standard libraries are necessary when statically verifying software that uses those libraries. Library specifications must be both correct, accurately reflecting library behavior, and useful, describing library behavior in sufficient detail to allow static verification of client programs. Specification and verification researchers regularly face the question of whether the library specifications we use are correct and useful, and we have collectively provided no good answers. Over the past few years we have created and refined a software engineering process, which we call the Formal CTD Process (FCTD), to address this problem. Although FCTD is primarily targeted toward those who write Java libraries (or specifications for existing Java libraries) using the Java Modeling Language (JML), its techniques are broadly applicable. The key to FCTD is its novel usage of library conformance test suites. Rather than executing the conformance tests, FCTD uses them to measure the correctness and utility of specifications through static verification. FCTD is beginning to see significant use within the JML community and is the cornerstone process of the JML Spec-a-thons, meetings that bring JML researchers and practitioners together for intensive specification writing sessions. This article describes the Formal CTD Process, its use in small case studies, and its broad application to the standard Java class library.

    Conflict-Directed Graph Coverage

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    Abstract. Many formal method tools for increasing software reliability apply Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers to enumerate feasible paths in a program subject to certain coverage criteria. Examples include inconsistent code detection tools and concolic test case generators. These tools have in common that they typically treat the SMT solver as a black box, relying on its ability to efficiently search through large search spaces. However, in practice the performance of SMT solvers often degrades significantly if the search involves reasoning about complex control-flow. In this paper, we open the black box and devise a new algorithm for this problem domain that we call conflict-directed graph coverage. Our algorithm relies on two core components of an SMT solver, namely conflict-directed learning and deduction by propagation, and applies domain-specific modifications for reasoning about controlflow graphs. We implemented conflict-directed coverage and used it for detecting code inconsistencies in several large Java open-source projects with over one million lines of code in total. The new algorithm yields significant performance gains on average compared to previous algorithms and reduces the running times on hard search instances from hours to seconds

    Reachability analysis for annotated code

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    We devised a reachability analysis that exploits code annotations and implemented it as a component of the extended static checker ESC/Java2. The component reports unchecked code and a class of errors previously undetected. We applied the analysis to existing annotated code and uncovered errors that were unknown to the developers. We present the algorithm performing the analysis and discuss errors that it detects

    ABSTRACT Reachability Analysis for Annotated Code

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    Well-specified programs enable code reuse and therefore techniques that help programmers to annotate code correctly are valuable. We devised an automated analysis that detects unreachable code in the presence of code annotations. We implemented it as an enhancement of the extended static checker ESC/Java2 where it serves as a check of coherency of specifications and code. In this article we define the notion of semantic unreachability, describe an algorithm for checking it and demonstrate on a case study that it detects a class of errors previously undetected, as well as describe different scenarios of these errors. Categories and Subject Descriptor