1 research outputs found

    Re-Pair In Small Space

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    Re-Pair is a grammar compression scheme with favorably good compression rates. The computation of Re-Pair comes with the cost of maintaining large frequency tables, which makes it hard to compute Re-Pair on large scale data sets. As a solution for this problem we present, given a text of length nn whose characters are drawn from an integer alphabet, an O(n2)O(n2lglogτnlglglgn/logτn)O(n^2) \cap O(n^2 \lg \log_\tau n \lg \lg \lg n / \log_\tau n) time algorithm computing Re-Pair in nlgmax(n,τ)n \lg \max(n,\tau) bits of space including the text space, where τ\tau is the number of terminals and non-terminals. The algorithm works in the restore model, supporting the recovery of the original input in the time for the Re-Pair computation with O(lgn)O(\lg n) additional bits of working space. We give variants of our solution working in parallel or in the external memory model