2 research outputs found

    Composite charging games in networks of electric vehicles

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    An important scenario for smart grids which encompass distributed electrical networks is given by the simultaneous presence of aggregators and individual consumers. In this work, an aggregator is seen as an entity (a coalition) which is able to manage jointly the energy demand of a large group of consumers or users. More precisely, the demand consists in charging an electrical vehicle (EV) battery. The way the EVs user charge their batteries matters since it strongly impacts the network, especially the distribution network costs (e.g., in terms of Joule losses or transformer ageing). Since the charging policy is chosen by the users or the aggregators, the charging problem is naturally distributed. It turns out that one of the tools suited to tackle this heterogenous scenario has been introduced only recently namely, through the notion of composite games. This paper exploits for the first time in the literature of smart grids the notion of composite game and equilibrium. By assuming a rectangular charging profile for an EV, a composite equilibrium analysis is conducted, followed by a detailed analysis of a case study which assumes three possible charging periods or time-slots. Both the provided analytical and numerical results allow one to better understand the relationship between the size (which is a measure) of the coalition and the network sum-cost. In particular, a social dilemma, a situation where everybody prefers unilaterally defecting to cooperating, while the consequence is the worst for all, is exhibited.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, keywords: EV charging - Electricity Distribution Networks - Composite game - Composite Equilibriu

    Balancing Traffic in Networks: Redundancy, Learning and the Effect of Stochastic Fluctuations

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    We study the distribution of traffic in networks whose users try to minimise their delays by adhering to a simple learning scheme inspired by the replicator dynamics of evolutionary game theory. The stable steady states of these dynamics coincide with the network's Wardrop equilibria and form a convex polytope whose dimension is determined by the network's redundancy (an important concept which measures the "linear dependence" of the users' paths). Despite this abundance of stationary points, the long-term behaviour of the replicator dynamics turns out to be remarkably simple: every solution orbit converges to a Wardrop equilibrium. On the other hand, a major challenge occurs when the users' delays fluctuate unpredictably due to random external factors. In that case, interior equilibria are no longer stationary, but strict equilibria remain stochastically stable irrespective of the fluctuations' magnitude. In fact, if the network has no redundancy and the users are patient enough, we show that the long-term averages of the users' traffic flows converge to the vicinity of an equilibrium, and we also estimate the corresponding invariant measure.Comment: 39 pages, 4 figures. Incorporated material on nonatomic potential games and Braess's paradox; some minor typos have now been correcte