1 research outputs found

    Rapid mixing of Glauber dynamics for colorings below Vigoda's 11/611/6 threshold

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    A well-known conjecture in computer science and statistical physics is that Glauber dynamics on the set of kk-colorings of a graph GG on nn vertices with maximum degree Δ\Delta is rapidly mixing for k≥Δ+2k \geq \Delta +2. In FOCS 1999, Vigoda showed rapid mixing of flip dynamics with certain flip parameters on the set of proper kk-colorings for k>116Δk > \frac{11}{6}\Delta, implying rapid mixing for Glauber dynamics. In this paper, we obtain the first improvement beyond the 116Δ\frac{11}{6}\Delta barrier for general graphs by showing rapid mixing for k>(116−η)Δk > (\frac{11}{6} - \eta)\Delta for some positive constant η\eta. The key to our proof is combining path coupling with a new kind of metric that incorporates a count of the extremal configurations of the chain. Additionally, our results extend to list coloring, a widely studied generalization of coloring. Combined, these results answer two open questions from Frieze and Vigoda's 2007 survey paper on Glauber dynamics for colorings.Comment: 21 page