2 research outputs found

    Next generation automotive embedded systems-on-chip and their applications

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    It is a well known fact in the automotive industry that critical and costly delays in the development cycle of powertrain1 controllers are unavoidable due to the complex nature of the systems-on-chip used in them. The primary goal of this portfolio is to show the development of new methodologies for the fast and efficient implementation of next generation powertrain applications and the associated automotive qualified systems-on-chip. A general guideline for rapid automotive applications development, promoting the integration of state-of-the-art tools and techniques necessary, is presented. The methods developed in this portfolio demonstrate a new and better approach to co-design of automotive systems that also raises the level of design abstraction.An integrated business plan for the development of a camless engine controller platform is presented. The plan provides details for the marketing plan, management and financial data.A comprehensive real-time system level development methodology for the implementation of an electromagnetic actuator based camless internal combustion engine is developed. The proposed development platform enables developers to complete complex software and hardware development before moving to silicon, significantly shortening the development cycle and improving confidence in the design.A novel high performance internal combustion engine knock processing strategy using the next generation automotive system-on-chip, particularly highlighting the capabilities of the first-of-its-kind single-instruction-multiple-data micro-architecture is presented. A patent application has been filed for the methodology and the details of the invention are also presented.Enhancements required for the performance optimisation of several resource properties such as memory accesses, energy consumption and execution time of embedded powertrain applications running on the developed system-on-chip and its next generation of devices is proposed. The approach used allows the replacement of various software segments by hardware units to speed up processing.1 Powertrain: A name applied to the group of components used to transmit engine power to the driving wheels. It can consist of engine, clutch, transmission, universal joints, drive shaft, differential gear, and axle shafts