23 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Spoken Term Detection with Spoken Queries by Multi-level Acoustic Patterns with Varying Model Granularity

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    This paper presents a new approach for unsupervised Spoken Term Detection with spoken queries using multiple sets of acoustic patterns automatically discovered from the target corpus. The different pattern HMM configurations(number of states per model, number of distinct models, number of Gaussians per state)form a three-dimensional model granularity space. Different sets of acoustic patterns automatically discovered on different points properly distributed over this three-dimensional space are complementary to one another, thus can jointly capture the characteristics of the spoken terms. By representing the spoken content and spoken query as sequences of acoustic patterns, a series of approaches for matching the pattern index sequences while considering the signal variations are developed. In this way, not only the on-line computation load can be reduced, but the signal distributions caused by different speakers and acoustic conditions can be reasonably taken care of. The results indicate that this approach significantly outperformed the unsupervised feature-based DTW baseline by 16.16\% in mean average precision on the TIMIT corpus.Comment: Accepted by ICASSP 201

    Multilingual bottleneck features for subword modeling in zero-resource languages

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    How can we effectively develop speech technology for languages where no transcribed data is available? Many existing approaches use no annotated resources at all, yet it makes sense to leverage information from large annotated corpora in other languages, for example in the form of multilingual bottleneck features (BNFs) obtained from a supervised speech recognition system. In this work, we evaluate the benefits of BNFs for subword modeling (feature extraction) in six unseen languages on a word discrimination task. First we establish a strong unsupervised baseline by combining two existing methods: vocal tract length normalisation (VTLN) and the correspondence autoencoder (cAE). We then show that BNFs trained on a single language already beat this baseline; including up to 10 languages results in additional improvements which cannot be matched by just adding more data from a single language. Finally, we show that the cAE can improve further on the BNFs if high-quality same-word pairs are available.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 4 tables; accepted at Interspeech 201