1 research outputs found

    Ranks of a Constrained Hermitian Matrix Expression with Applications

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    We establish the formulas of the maximal and minimal ranks of the quaternion Hermitian matrix expression C4βˆ’A4XA4βˆ— where X is a Hermitian solution to quaternion matrix equations A1X=C1, XB1=C2, and A3XA3*=C3. As applications, we give a new necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of Hermitian solution to the system of matrix equations A1X=C1, XB1=C2, A3XA3*=C3, and A4XA4*=C4, which was investigated by Wang and Wu, 2010, by rank equalities. In addition, extremal ranks of the generalized Hermitian Schur complement C4βˆ’A4A3~A4βˆ— with respect to a Hermitian g-inverse A3~ of A3, which is a common solution to quaternion matrix equations A1X=C1 and XB1=C2, are also considered