4 research outputs found

    Ranking-Incentivized Quality Preserving Content Modification

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    The Web is a canonical example of a competitive retrieval setting where many documents' authors consistently modify their documents to promote them in rankings. We present an automatic method for quality-preserving modification of document content -- i.e., maintaining content quality -- so that the document is ranked higher for a query by a non-disclosed ranking function whose rankings can be observed. The method replaces a passage in the document with some other passage. To select the two passages, we use a learning-to-rank approach with a bi-objective optimization criterion: rank promotion and content-quality maintenance. We used the approach as a bot in content-based ranking competitions. Analysis of the competitions demonstrates the merits of our approach with respect to human content modifications in terms of rank promotion, content-quality maintenance and relevance.Comment: 10 pages. 8 figures. 3 table

    PRADA: Practical Black-Box Adversarial Attacks against Neural Ranking Models

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    Neural ranking models (NRMs) have shown remarkable success in recent years, especially with pre-trained language models. However, deep neural models are notorious for their vulnerability to adversarial examples. Adversarial attacks may become a new type of web spamming technique given our increased reliance on neural information retrieval models. Therefore, it is important to study potential adversarial attacks to identify vulnerabilities of NRMs before they are deployed. In this paper, we introduce the Adversarial Document Ranking Attack (ADRA) task against NRMs, which aims to promote a target document in rankings by adding adversarial perturbations to its text. We focus on the decision-based black-box attack setting, where the attackers have no access to the model parameters and gradients, but can only acquire the rank positions of the partial retrieved list by querying the target model. This attack setting is realistic in real-world search engines. We propose a novel Pseudo Relevance-based ADversarial ranking Attack method (PRADA) that learns a surrogate model based on Pseudo Relevance Feedback (PRF) to generate gradients for finding the adversarial perturbations. Experiments on two web search benchmark datasets show that PRADA can outperform existing attack strategies and successfully fool the NRM with small indiscernible perturbations of text

    Order-Disorder: Imitation Adversarial Attacks for Black-box Neural Ranking Models

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    Neural text ranking models have witnessed significant advancement and are increasingly being deployed in practice. Unfortunately, they also inherit adversarial vulnerabilities of general neural models, which have been detected but remain underexplored by prior studies. Moreover, the inherit adversarial vulnerabilities might be leveraged by blackhat SEO to defeat better-protected search engines. In this study, we propose an imitation adversarial attack on black-box neural passage ranking models. We first show that the target passage ranking model can be transparentized and imitated by enumerating critical queries/candidates and then train a ranking imitation model. Leveraging the ranking imitation model, we can elaborately manipulate the ranking results and transfer the manipulation attack to the target ranking model. For this purpose, we propose an innovative gradient-based attack method, empowered by the pairwise objective function, to generate adversarial triggers, which causes premeditated disorderliness with very few tokens. To equip the trigger camouflages, we add the next sentence prediction loss and the language model fluency constraint to the objective function. Experimental results on passage ranking demonstrate the effectiveness of the ranking imitation attack model and adversarial triggers against various SOTA neural ranking models. Furthermore, various mitigation analyses and human evaluation show the effectiveness of camouflages when facing potential mitigation approaches. To motivate other scholars to further investigate this novel and important problem, we make the experiment data and code publicly available.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, accepted by ACM CCS 2022, Best Paper Nominatio