26,039 research outputs found

    Phase Retrieval via Matrix Completion

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    This paper develops a novel framework for phase retrieval, a problem which arises in X-ray crystallography, diffraction imaging, astronomical imaging and many other applications. Our approach combines multiple structured illuminations together with ideas from convex programming to recover the phase from intensity measurements, typically from the modulus of the diffracted wave. We demonstrate empirically that any complex-valued object can be recovered from the knowledge of the magnitude of just a few diffracted patterns by solving a simple convex optimization problem inspired by the recent literature on matrix completion. More importantly, we also demonstrate that our noise-aware algorithms are stable in the sense that the reconstruction degrades gracefully as the signal-to-noise ratio decreases. Finally, we introduce some theory showing that one can design very simple structured illumination patterns such that three diffracted figures uniquely determine the phase of the object we wish to recover

    Structured random measurements in signal processing

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    Compressed sensing and its extensions have recently triggered interest in randomized signal acquisition. A key finding is that random measurements provide sparse signal reconstruction guarantees for efficient and stable algorithms with a minimal number of samples. While this was first shown for (unstructured) Gaussian random measurement matrices, applications require certain structure of the measurements leading to structured random measurement matrices. Near optimal recovery guarantees for such structured measurements have been developed over the past years in a variety of contexts. This article surveys the theory in three scenarios: compressed sensing (sparse recovery), low rank matrix recovery, and phaseless estimation. The random measurement matrices to be considered include random partial Fourier matrices, partial random circulant matrices (subsampled convolutions), matrix completion, and phase estimation from magnitudes of Fourier type measurements. The article concludes with a brief discussion of the mathematical techniques for the analysis of such structured random measurements.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    Matrix Completion on Graphs

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    The problem of finding the missing values of a matrix given a few of its entries, called matrix completion, has gathered a lot of attention in the recent years. Although the problem under the standard low rank assumption is NP-hard, Cand\`es and Recht showed that it can be exactly relaxed if the number of observed entries is sufficiently large. In this work, we introduce a novel matrix completion model that makes use of proximity information about rows and columns by assuming they form communities. This assumption makes sense in several real-world problems like in recommender systems, where there are communities of people sharing preferences, while products form clusters that receive similar ratings. Our main goal is thus to find a low-rank solution that is structured by the proximities of rows and columns encoded by graphs. We borrow ideas from manifold learning to constrain our solution to be smooth on these graphs, in order to implicitly force row and column proximities. Our matrix recovery model is formulated as a convex non-smooth optimization problem, for which a well-posed iterative scheme is provided. We study and evaluate the proposed matrix completion on synthetic and real data, showing that the proposed structured low-rank recovery model outperforms the standard matrix completion model in many situations.Comment: Version of NIPS 2014 workshop "Out of the Box: Robustness in High Dimension
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