11,371 research outputs found

    Feature Level Fusion of Face and Fingerprint Biometrics

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    The aim of this paper is to study the fusion at feature extraction level for face and fingerprint biometrics. The proposed approach is based on the fusion of the two traits by extracting independent feature pointsets from the two modalities, and making the two pointsets compatible for concatenation. Moreover, to handle the problem of curse of dimensionality, the feature pointsets are properly reduced in dimension. Different feature reduction techniques are implemented, prior and after the feature pointsets fusion, and the results are duly recorded. The fused feature pointset for the database and the query face and fingerprint images are matched using techniques based on either the point pattern matching, or the Delaunay triangulation. Comparative experiments are conducted on chimeric and real databases, to assess the actual advantage of the fusion performed at the feature extraction level, in comparison to the matching score level.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, conferenc

    Gait recognition based on shape and motion analysis of silhouette contours

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    This paper presents a three-phase gait recognition method that analyses the spatio-temporal shape and dynamic motion (STS-DM) characteristics of a human subject’s silhouettes to identify the subject in the presence of most of the challenging factors that affect existing gait recognition systems. In phase 1, phase-weighted magnitude spectra of the Fourier descriptor of the silhouette contours at ten phases of a gait period are used to analyse the spatio-temporal changes of the subject’s shape. A component-based Fourier descriptor based on anatomical studies of human body is used to achieve robustness against shape variations caused by all common types of small carrying conditions with folded hands, at the subject’s back and in upright position. In phase 2, a full-body shape and motion analysis is performed by fitting ellipses to contour segments of ten phases of a gait period and using a histogram matching with Bhattacharyya distance of parameters of the ellipses as dissimilarity scores. In phase 3, dynamic time warping is used to analyse the angular rotation pattern of the subject’s leading knee with a consideration of arm-swing over a gait period to achieve identification that is invariant to walking speed, limited clothing variations, hair style changes and shadows under feet. The match scores generated in the three phases are fused using weight-based score-level fusion for robust identification in the presence of missing and distorted frames, and occlusion in the scene. Experimental analyses on various publicly available data sets show that STS-DM outperforms several state-of-the-art gait recognition methods

    Human Gait Database for Normal Walk Collected by Smart Phone Accelerometer

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    The goal of this study is to introduce a comprehensive gait database of 93 human subjects who walked between two endpoints during two different sessions and record their gait data using two smartphones, one was attached to the right thigh and another one on the left side of the waist. This data is collected with the intention to be utilized by a deep learning-based method which requires enough time points. The metadata including age, gender, smoking, daily exercise time, height, and weight of an individual is recorded. this data set is publicly available

    Face recognition technologies for evidential evaluation of video traces

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    Human recognition from video traces is an important task in forensic investigations and evidence evaluations. Compared with other biometric traits, face is one of the most popularly used modalities for human recognition due to the fact that its collection is non-intrusive and requires less cooperation from the subjects. Moreover, face images taken at a long distance can still provide reasonable resolution, while most biometric modalities, such as iris and fingerprint, do not have this merit. In this chapter, we discuss automatic face recognition technologies for evidential evaluations of video traces. We first introduce the general concepts in both forensic and automatic face recognition , then analyse the difficulties in face recognition from videos . We summarise and categorise the approaches for handling different uncontrollable factors in difficult recognition conditions. Finally we discuss some challenges and trends in face recognition research in both forensics and biometrics . Given its merits tested in many deployed systems and great potential in other emerging applications, considerable research and development efforts are expected to be devoted in face recognition in the near future
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