17 research outputs found

    A Shannon Approach to Secure Multi-party Computations

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    In secure multi-party computations (SMC), parties wish to compute a function on their private data without revealing more information about their data than what the function reveals. In this paper, we investigate two Shannon-type questions on this problem. We first consider the traditional one-shot model for SMC which does not assume a probabilistic prior on the data. In this model, private communication and randomness are the key enablers to secure computing, and we investigate a notion of randomness cost and capacity. We then move to a probabilistic model for the data, and propose a Shannon model for discrete memoryless SMC. In this model, correlations among data are the key enablers for secure computing, and we investigate a notion of dependency which permits the secure computation of a function. While the models and questions are general, this paper focuses on summation functions, and relies on polar code constructions

    Polynomial complexity of polar codes for non-binary alphabets, key agreement and Slepian-Wolf coding

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    We consider polar codes for memoryless sources with side information and show that the blocklength, construction, encoding and decoding complexities are bounded by a polynomial of the reciprocal of the gap between the compression rate and the conditional entropy. This extends the recent results of Guruswami and Xia to a slightly more general setting, which in turn can be applied to (1) sources with non-binary alphabets, (2) key generation for discrete and Gaussian sources, and (3) Slepian-Wolf coding and multiple accessing. In each of these cases, the complexity scaling with respect to the number of users is also controlled. In particular, we construct coding schemes for these multi-user information theory problems which achieve optimal rates with an overall polynomial complexity.Comment: 6 pages; presented at CISS 201

    Polar Coding for Secret-Key Generation

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    Practical implementations of secret-key generation are often based on sequential strategies, which handle reliability and secrecy in two successive steps, called reconciliation and privacy amplification. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach based on polar codes that jointly deals with reliability and secrecy. Specifically, we propose secret-key capacity-achieving polar coding schemes for the following models: (i) the degraded binary memoryless source (DBMS) model with rate-unlimited public communication, (ii) the DBMS model with one-way rate-limited public communication, (iii) the 1-to-m broadcast model and (iv) the Markov tree model with uniform marginals. For models (i) and (ii) our coding schemes remain valid for non-degraded sources, although they may not achieve the secret-key capacity. For models (i), (ii) and (iii), our schemes rely on pre-shared secret seed of negligible rate; however, we provide special cases of these models for which no seed is required. Finally, we show an application of our results to secrecy and privacy for biometric systems. We thus provide the first examples of low-complexity secret-key capacity-achieving schemes that are able to handle vector quantization for model (ii), or multiterminal communication for models (iii) and (iv).Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, accepted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory; parts of the results were presented at the 2013 IEEE Information Theory Worksho

    Achieving the Uniform Rate Region of General Multiple Access Channels by Polar Coding

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    We consider the problem of polar coding for transmission over mm-user multiple access channels. In the proposed scheme, all users encode their messages using a polar encoder, while a multi-user successive cancellation decoder is deployed at the receiver. The encoding is done separately across the users and is independent of the target achievable rate. For the code construction, the positions of information bits and frozen bits for each of the users are decided jointly. This is done by treating the polar transformations across all the mm users as a single polar transformation with a certain \emph{polarization base}. We characterize the resolution of achievable rates on the dominant face of the uniform rate region in terms of the number of users mm and the length of the polarization base LL. In particular, we prove that for any target rate on the dominant face, there exists an achievable rate, also on the dominant face, within the distance at most (m1)mL\frac{(m-1)\sqrt{m}}{L} from the target rate. We then prove that the proposed MAC polar coding scheme achieves the whole uniform rate region with fine enough resolution by changing the decoding order in the multi-user successive cancellation decoder, as LL and the code block length NN grow large. The encoding and decoding complexities are O(NlogN)O(N \log N) and the asymptotic block error probability of O(2N0.5ϵ)O(2^{-N^{0.5 - \epsilon}}) is guaranteed. Examples of achievable rates for the 33-user multiple access channel are provided

    Achieving the Capacity of any DMC using only Polar Codes

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    We construct a channel coding scheme to achieve the capacity of any discrete memoryless channel based solely on the techniques of polar coding. In particular, we show how source polarization and randomness extraction via polarization can be employed to "shape" uniformly-distributed i.i.d. random variables into approximate i.i.d. random variables distributed ac- cording to the capacity-achieving distribution. We then combine this shaper with a variant of polar channel coding, constructed by the duality with source coding, to achieve the channel capacity. Our scheme inherits the low complexity encoder and decoder of polar coding. It differs conceptually from Gallager's method for achieving capacity, and we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the two schemes. An application to the AWGN channel is discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure