833 research outputs found

    Randomized recovery for boolean compressed sensing

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    We consider the problem of boolean compressed sensing, which is alternatively known as group testing. The goal is to recover a small number of defective items in a large set from a few collective binary tests. This problem can be formulated as a binary linear program, which is NP hard in general. To overcome the computational burden, it was recently proposed to relax the binary constraint on the variables, and apply a rounding to the solution of the relaxed linear program. In this paper, we introduce a ran- domized algorithm to replace the rounding procedure. We show that the proposed algorithm considerably improves the success rate by slightly increasing the computational cost

    Computationally Tractable Algorithms for Finding a Subset of Non-defective Items from a Large Population

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    In the classical non-adaptive group testing setup, pools of items are tested together, and the main goal of a recovery algorithm is to identify the "complete defective set" given the outcomes of different group tests. In contrast, the main goal of a "non-defective subset recovery" algorithm is to identify a "subset" of non-defective items given the test outcomes. In this paper, we present a suite of computationally efficient and analytically tractable non-defective subset recovery algorithms. By analyzing the probability of error of the algorithms, we obtain bounds on the number of tests required for non-defective subset recovery with arbitrarily small probability of error. Our analysis accounts for the impact of both the additive noise (false positives) and dilution noise (false negatives). By comparing with the information theoretic lower bounds, we show that the upper bounds on the number of tests are order-wise tight up to a log2K\log^2K factor, where KK is the number of defective items. We also provide simulation results that compare the relative performance of the different algorithms and provide further insights into their practical utility. The proposed algorithms significantly outperform the straightforward approaches of testing items one-by-one, and of first identifying the defective set and then choosing the non-defective items from the complement set, in terms of the number of measurements required to ensure a given success rate.Comment: In this revision: Unified some proofs and reorganized the paper, corrected a small mistake in one of the proofs, added more reference

    Average-case Hardness of RIP Certification

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    The restricted isometry property (RIP) for design matrices gives guarantees for optimal recovery in sparse linear models. It is of high interest in compressed sensing and statistical learning. This property is particularly important for computationally efficient recovery methods. As a consequence, even though it is in general NP-hard to check that RIP holds, there have been substantial efforts to find tractable proxies for it. These would allow the construction of RIP matrices and the polynomial-time verification of RIP given an arbitrary matrix. We consider the framework of average-case certifiers, that never wrongly declare that a matrix is RIP, while being often correct for random instances. While there are such functions which are tractable in a suboptimal parameter regime, we show that this is a computationally hard task in any better regime. Our results are based on a new, weaker assumption on the problem of detecting dense subgraphs

    On Deterministic Sketching and Streaming for Sparse Recovery and Norm Estimation

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    We study classic streaming and sparse recovery problems using deterministic linear sketches, including l1/l1 and linf/l1 sparse recovery problems (the latter also being known as l1-heavy hitters), norm estimation, and approximate inner product. We focus on devising a fixed matrix A in R^{m x n} and a deterministic recovery/estimation procedure which work for all possible input vectors simultaneously. Our results improve upon existing work, the following being our main contributions: * A proof that linf/l1 sparse recovery and inner product estimation are equivalent, and that incoherent matrices can be used to solve both problems. Our upper bound for the number of measurements is m=O(eps^{-2}*min{log n, (log n / log(1/eps))^2}). We can also obtain fast sketching and recovery algorithms by making use of the Fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform. Both our running times and number of measurements improve upon previous work. We can also obtain better error guarantees than previous work in terms of a smaller tail of the input vector. * A new lower bound for the number of linear measurements required to solve l1/l1 sparse recovery. We show Omega(k/eps^2 + klog(n/k)/eps) measurements are required to recover an x' with |x - x'|_1 <= (1+eps)|x_{tail(k)}|_1, where x_{tail(k)} is x projected onto all but its largest k coordinates in magnitude. * A tight bound of m = Theta(eps^{-2}log(eps^2 n)) on the number of measurements required to solve deterministic norm estimation, i.e., to recover |x|_2 +/- eps|x|_1. For all the problems we study, tight bounds are already known for the randomized complexity from previous work, except in the case of l1/l1 sparse recovery, where a nearly tight bound is known. Our work thus aims to study the deterministic complexities of these problems

    Improved Bounds for Universal One-Bit Compressive Sensing

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    Unlike compressive sensing where the measurement outputs are assumed to be real-valued and have infinite precision, in "one-bit compressive sensing", measurements are quantized to one bit, their signs. In this work, we show how to recover the support of sparse high-dimensional vectors in the one-bit compressive sensing framework with an asymptotically near-optimal number of measurements. We also improve the bounds on the number of measurements for approximately recovering vectors from one-bit compressive sensing measurements. Our results are universal, namely the same measurement scheme works simultaneously for all sparse vectors. Our proof of optimality for support recovery is obtained by showing an equivalence between the task of support recovery using 1-bit compressive sensing and a well-studied combinatorial object known as Union Free Families.Comment: 14 page