5,425 research outputs found

    Escape from Cells: Deep Kd-Networks for the Recognition of 3D Point Cloud Models

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    We present a new deep learning architecture (called Kd-network) that is designed for 3D model recognition tasks and works with unstructured point clouds. The new architecture performs multiplicative transformations and share parameters of these transformations according to the subdivisions of the point clouds imposed onto them by Kd-trees. Unlike the currently dominant convolutional architectures that usually require rasterization on uniform two-dimensional or three-dimensional grids, Kd-networks do not rely on such grids in any way and therefore avoid poor scaling behaviour. In a series of experiments with popular shape recognition benchmarks, Kd-networks demonstrate competitive performance in a number of shape recognition tasks such as shape classification, shape retrieval and shape part segmentation.Comment: Spotlight at ICCV'1

    Deep Shape Matching

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    We cast shape matching as metric learning with convolutional networks. We break the end-to-end process of image representation into two parts. Firstly, well established efficient methods are chosen to turn the images into edge maps. Secondly, the network is trained with edge maps of landmark images, which are automatically obtained by a structure-from-motion pipeline. The learned representation is evaluated on a range of different tasks, providing improvements on challenging cases of domain generalization, generic sketch-based image retrieval or its fine-grained counterpart. In contrast to other methods that learn a different model per task, object category, or domain, we use the same network throughout all our experiments, achieving state-of-the-art results in multiple benchmarks.Comment: ECCV 201

    3D Pose Estimation and 3D Model Retrieval for Objects in the Wild

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    We propose a scalable, efficient and accurate approach to retrieve 3D models for objects in the wild. Our contribution is twofold. We first present a 3D pose estimation approach for object categories which significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art on Pascal3D+. Second, we use the estimated pose as a prior to retrieve 3D models which accurately represent the geometry of objects in RGB images. For this purpose, we render depth images from 3D models under our predicted pose and match learned image descriptors of RGB images against those of rendered depth images using a CNN-based multi-view metric learning approach. In this way, we are the first to report quantitative results for 3D model retrieval on Pascal3D+, where our method chooses the same models as human annotators for 50% of the validation images on average. In addition, we show that our method, which was trained purely on Pascal3D+, retrieves rich and accurate 3D models from ShapeNet given RGB images of objects in the wild.Comment: Accepted to Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 201

    3D Shape Segmentation with Projective Convolutional Networks

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    This paper introduces a deep architecture for segmenting 3D objects into their labeled semantic parts. Our architecture combines image-based Fully Convolutional Networks (FCNs) and surface-based Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) to yield coherent segmentations of 3D shapes. The image-based FCNs are used for efficient view-based reasoning about 3D object parts. Through a special projection layer, FCN outputs are effectively aggregated across multiple views and scales, then are projected onto the 3D object surfaces. Finally, a surface-based CRF combines the projected outputs with geometric consistency cues to yield coherent segmentations. The whole architecture (multi-view FCNs and CRF) is trained end-to-end. Our approach significantly outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods in the currently largest segmentation benchmark (ShapeNet). Finally, we demonstrate promising segmentation results on noisy 3D shapes acquired from consumer-grade depth cameras.Comment: This is an updated version of our CVPR 2017 paper. We incorporated new experiments that demonstrate ShapePFCN performance under the case of consistent *upright* orientation and an additional input channel in our rendered images for encoding height from the ground plane (upright axis coordinate values). Performance is improved in this settin

    DART: Distribution Aware Retinal Transform for Event-based Cameras

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    We introduce a generic visual descriptor, termed as distribution aware retinal transform (DART), that encodes the structural context using log-polar grids for event cameras. The DART descriptor is applied to four different problems, namely object classification, tracking, detection and feature matching: (1) The DART features are directly employed as local descriptors in a bag-of-features classification framework and testing is carried out on four standard event-based object datasets (N-MNIST, MNIST-DVS, CIFAR10-DVS, NCaltech-101). (2) Extending the classification system, tracking is demonstrated using two key novelties: (i) For overcoming the low-sample problem for the one-shot learning of a binary classifier, statistical bootstrapping is leveraged with online learning; (ii) To achieve tracker robustness, the scale and rotation equivariance property of the DART descriptors is exploited for the one-shot learning. (3) To solve the long-term object tracking problem, an object detector is designed using the principle of cluster majority voting. The detection scheme is then combined with the tracker to result in a high intersection-over-union score with augmented ground truth annotations on the publicly available event camera dataset. (4) Finally, the event context encoded by DART greatly simplifies the feature correspondence problem, especially for spatio-temporal slices far apart in time, which has not been explicitly tackled in the event-based vision domain.Comment: 12 pages, revision submitted to TPAMI in Nov 201