4 research outputs found

    Randomized Polynomial-Time Root Counting in Prime Power Rings

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    Suppose k,pβ€‰β£βˆˆβ€‰β£Nk,p\!\in\!\mathbb{N} with pp prime and fβ€‰β£βˆˆβ€‰β£Z[x]f\!\in\!\mathbb{Z}[x] is a univariate polynomial with degree dd and all coefficients having absolute value less than pkp^k. We give a Las Vegas randomized algorithm that computes the number of roots of ff in Z/ ⁣(pk)\mathbb{Z}/\!\left(p^k\right) within time d3(klog⁑p)2+o(1)d^3(k\log p)^{2+o(1)}. (We in fact prove a more intricate complexity bound that is slightly better.) The best previous general algorithm had (deterministic) complexity exponential in kk. We also present some experimental data evincing the potential practicality of our algorithm.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. Qi Cheng just pointed out that [3, Cor. 4, Pg. 16] proves a generalization of the main result (Theorem 1.1), and gives a sharper complexity bound. Nevertheless, the underlying algorithms are approached differently, so the development of our paper (the recursion tree structure, in particular) may still be of valu

    Noisy polynomial interpolation modulo prime powers

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    We consider the {\it noisy polynomial interpolation problem\/} of recovering an unknown ss-sparse polynomial f(X)f(X) over the ring Zpk\mathbb Z_{p^k} of residues modulo pkp^k, where pp is a small prime and kk is a large integer parameter, from approximate values of the residues of f(t)∈Zpkf(t) \in \mathbb Z_{p^k}. Similar results are known for residues modulo a large prime pp, however the case of prime power modulus pkp^k, with small pp and large kk, is new and requires different techniques. We give a deterministic polynomial time algorithm, which for almost given more than a half bits of f(t)f(t) for sufficiently many randomly chosen points t∈Zpkβˆ—t \in \mathbb Z_{p^k}^*, recovers f(X)f(X)

    Sub-Linear Point Counting for Variable Separated Curves over Prime Power Rings

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    Let k,p∈Nk,p\in \mathbb{N} with pp prime and let f∈Z[x1,x2]f\in\mathbb{Z}[x_1,x_2] be a bivariate polynomial with degree dd and all coefficients of absolute value at most pkp^k. Suppose also that ff is variable separated, i.e., f=g1+g2f=g_1+g_2 for gi∈Z[xi]g_i\in\mathbb{Z}[x_i]. We give the first algorithm, with complexity sub-linear in pp, to count the number of roots of ff over Z\mathbb{Z} mod pkp^k for arbitrary kk: Our Las Vegas randomized algorithm works in time (dklog⁑p)O(1)p(dk\log p)^{O(1)}\sqrt{p}, and admits a quantum version for smooth curves working in time (dlog⁑p)O(1)k(d\log p)^{O(1)}k. Save for some subtleties concerning non-isolated singularities, our techniques generalize to counting roots of polynomials in Z[x1,…,xn]\mathbb{Z}[x_1,\ldots,x_n] over Z\mathbb{Z} mod pkp^k. Our techniques are a first step toward efficient point counting for varieties over Galois rings (which is relevant to error correcting codes over higher-dimensional varieties), and also imply new speed-ups for computing Igusa zeta functions of curves. The latter zeta functions are fundamental in arithmetic geometry.Comment: 18 pages, no figures. Submitted to a conference. Comments and questions welcome

    A complexity chasm for solving univariate sparse polynomial equations over pp-adic fields

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    We reveal a complexity chasm, separating the trinomial and tetranomial cases, for solving univariate sparse polynomial equations over certain local fields. First, for any fixed field K∈{Q2,Q3,Q5,…}K\in\{\mathbb{Q}_2,\mathbb{Q}_3,\mathbb{Q}_5,\ldots\}, we prove that any polynomial f∈Z[x]f\in\mathbb{Z}[x] with exactly 33 monomial terms, degree dd, and all coefficients having absolute value at most HH, can be solved over KK in deterministic time O(log⁑O(1)(dH))O(\log^{O(1)}(dH)) in the classical Turing model. (The best previous algorithms were of complexity exponential in log⁑d\log d, even for just counting roots in Qp\mathbb{Q}_p.) In particular, our algorithm generates approximations in Q\mathbb{Q} with bit-length O(log⁑O(1)(dH))O(\log^{O(1)}(dH)) to all the roots of ff in KK, and these approximations converge quadratically under Newton iteration. On the other hand, we give a unified family of tetranomials requiring Ξ©(dlog⁑H)\Omega(d\log H) digits to distinguish the base-pp expansions of their roots in KK.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures. This version contains an Appendix missing from the ISSAC 2021 conference version, as well as some corrections and improvement