144 research outputs found

    Dispersion of Mass and the Complexity of Randomized Geometric Algorithms

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    How much can randomness help computation? Motivated by this general question and by volume computation, one of the few instances where randomness provably helps, we analyze a notion of dispersion and connect it to asymptotic convex geometry. We obtain a nearly quadratic lower bound on the complexity of randomized volume algorithms for convex bodies in R^n (the current best algorithm has complexity roughly n^4, conjectured to be n^3). Our main tools, dispersion of random determinants and dispersion of the length of a random point from a convex body, are of independent interest and applicable more generally; in particular, the latter is closely related to the variance hypothesis from convex geometry. This geometric dispersion also leads to lower bounds for matrix problems and property testing.Comment: Full version of L. Rademacher, S. Vempala: Dispersion of Mass and the Complexity of Randomized Geometric Algorithms. Proc. 47th IEEE Annual Symp. on Found. of Comp. Sci. (2006). A version of it to appear in Advances in Mathematic

    A Cubic Algorithm for Computing Gaussian Volume

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    We present randomized algorithms for sampling the standard Gaussian distribution restricted to a convex set and for estimating the Gaussian measure of a convex set, in the general membership oracle model. The complexity of integration is Oβˆ—(n3)O^*(n^3) while the complexity of sampling is Oβˆ—(n3)O^*(n^3) for the first sample and Oβˆ—(n2)O^*(n^2) for every subsequent sample. These bounds improve on the corresponding state-of-the-art by a factor of nn. Our improvement comes from several aspects: better isoperimetry, smoother annealing, avoiding transformation to isotropic position and the use of the "speedy walk" in the analysis.Comment: 23 page

    Graph isomorphism and volumes of convex bodies

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    We show that a nontrivial graph isomorphism problem of two undirected graphs, and more generally, the permutation similarity of two given nΓ—nn\times n matrices, is equivalent to equalities of volumes of the induced three convex bounded polytopes intersected with a given sequence of balls, centered at the origin with radii ti∈(0,nβˆ’1)t_i\in (0,\sqrt{n-1}), where {ti}\{t_i\} is an increasing sequence converging to nβˆ’1\sqrt{n-1}. These polytopes are characterized by n2n^2 inequalities in at most n2n^2 variables. The existence of fpras for computing volumes of convex bodies gives rise to a semi-frpas of order Oβˆ—(n14)O^*(n^{14}) at most to find if given two undirected graphs are isomorphic.Comment: 9 page
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