10,168 research outputs found

    See the Tree Through the Lines: The Shazoo Algorithm -- Full Version --

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    Predicting the nodes of a given graph is a fascinating theoretical problem with applications in several domains. Since graph sparsification via spanning trees retains enough information while making the task much easier, trees are an important special case of this problem. Although it is known how to predict the nodes of an unweighted tree in a nearly optimal way, in the weighted case a fully satisfactory algorithm is not available yet. We fill this hole and introduce an efficient node predictor, Shazoo, which is nearly optimal on any weighted tree. Moreover, we show that Shazoo can be viewed as a common nontrivial generalization of both previous approaches for unweighted trees and weighted lines. Experiments on real-world datasets confirm that Shazoo performs well in that it fully exploits the structure of the input tree, and gets very close to (and sometimes better than) less scalable energy minimization methods

    Online Prediction of Switching Graph Labelings with Cluster Specialists

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    We address the problem of predicting the labeling of a graph in an online setting when the labeling is changing over time. We present an algorithm based on a specialist approach; we develop the machinery of cluster specialists which probabilistically exploits the cluster structure in the graph. Our algorithm has two variants, one of which surprisingly only requires O(logn)\mathcal{O}(\log n) time on any trial tt on an nn-vertex graph, an exponential speed up over existing methods. We prove switching mistake-bound guarantees for both variants of our algorithm. Furthermore these mistake bounds smoothly vary with the magnitude of the change between successive labelings. We perform experiments on Chicago Divvy Bicycle Sharing data and show that our algorithms significantly outperform an existing algorithm (a kernelized Perceptron) as well as several natural benchmarks.Comment: 20 pages (including appendix

    A Scalable Multiclass Algorithm for Node Classification

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    We introduce a scalable algorithm, MUCCA, for multiclass node classification in weighted graphs. Unlike previously proposed methods for the same task, MUCCA works in time linear in the number of nodes. Our approach is based on a game-theoretic formulation of the problem in which the test labels are expressed as a Nash Equilibrium of a certain game. However, in order to achieve scalability, we find the equilibrium on a spanning tree of the original graph. Experiments on real-world data reveal that MUCCA is much faster than its competitors while achieving a similar predictive performance

    Active Learning on Trees and Graphs

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    We investigate the problem of active learning on a given tree whose nodes are assigned binary labels in an adversarial way. Inspired by recent results by Guillory and Bilmes, we characterize (up to constant factors) the optimal placement of queries so to minimize the mistakes made on the non-queried nodes. Our query selection algorithm is extremely efficient, and the optimal number of mistakes on the non-queried nodes is achieved by a simple and efficient mincut classifier. Through a simple modification of the query selection algorithm we also show optimality (up to constant factors) with respect to the trade-off between number of queries and number of mistakes on non-queried nodes. By using spanning trees, our algorithms can be efficiently applied to general graphs, although the problem of finding optimal and efficient active learning algorithms for general graphs remains open. Towards this end, we provide a lower bound on the number of mistakes made on arbitrary graphs by any active learning algorithm using a number of queries which is up to a constant fraction of the graph size

    Learning Structured Outputs from Partial Labels using Forest Ensemble

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    Learning structured outputs with general structures is computationally challenging, except for tree-structured models. Thus we propose an efficient boosting-based algorithm AdaBoost.MRF for this task. The idea is based on the realization that a graph is a superimposition of trees. Different from most existing work, our algorithm can handle partial labelling, and thus is particularly attractive in practice where reliable labels are often sparsely observed. In addition, our method works exclusively on trees and thus is guaranteed to converge. We apply the AdaBoost.MRF algorithm to an indoor video surveillance scenario, where activities are modelled at multiple levels.Comment: Conference version appeared in Truyen et al, AdaBoost.MRF: Boosted Markov random forests and application to multilevel activity recognition. CVPR'0

    Approximate l0l_0-penalized estimation of piecewise-constant signals on graphs

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    We study recovery of piecewise-constant signals on graphs by the estimator minimizing an l0l_0-edge-penalized objective. Although exact minimization of this objective may be computationally intractable, we show that the same statistical risk guarantees are achieved by the α\alpha-expansion algorithm which computes an approximate minimizer in polynomial time. We establish that for graphs with small average vertex degree, these guarantees are minimax rate-optimal over classes of edge-sparse signals. For spatially inhomogeneous graphs, we propose minimization of an edge-weighted objective where each edge is weighted by its effective resistance or another measure of its contribution to the graph's connectivity. We establish minimax optimality of the resulting estimators over corresponding edge-weighted sparsity classes. We show theoretically that these risk guarantees are not always achieved by the estimator minimizing the l1l_1/total-variation relaxation, and empirically that the l0l_0-based estimates are more accurate in high signal-to-noise settings.Comment: v2: Title change, renumbering of sections and theorem

    Graphical Models as Block-Tree Graphs

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    We introduce block-tree graphs as a framework for deriving efficient algorithms on graphical models. We define block-tree graphs as a tree-structured graph where each node is a cluster of nodes such that the clusters in the graph are disjoint. This differs from junction-trees, where two clusters connected by an edge always have at least one common node. When compared to junction-trees, we show that constructing block-tree graphs is faster, and finding optimal block-tree graphs has a much smaller search space. Applying our block-tree graph framework to graphical models, we show that, for some graphs, e.g., grid graphs, using block-tree graphs for inference is computationally more efficient than using junction-trees. For graphical models with boundary conditions, the block-tree graph framework transforms the boundary valued problem into an initial value problem. For Gaussian graphical models, the block-tree graph framework leads to a linear state-space representation. Since exact inference in graphical models can be computationally intractable, we propose to use spanning block-trees to derive approximate inference algorithms. Experimental results show the improved performance in using spanning block-trees versus using spanning trees for approximate estimation over Gaussian graphical models.Comment: 29 pages. Correction to version

    Deep learning long-range information in undirected graphs with wave networks

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    Graph algorithms are key tools in many fields of science and technology. Some of these algorithms depend on propagating information between distant nodes in a graph. Recently, there have been a number of deep learning architectures proposed to learn on undirected graphs. However, most of these architectures aggregate information in the local neighborhood of a node, and therefore they may not be capable of efficiently propagating long-range information. To solve this problem we examine a recently proposed architecture, wave, which propagates information back and forth across an undirected graph in waves of nonlinear computation. We compare wave to graph convolution, an architecture based on local aggregation, and find that wave learns three different graph-based tasks with greater efficiency and accuracy. These three tasks include (1) labeling a path connecting two nodes in a graph, (2) solving a maze presented as an image, and (3) computing voltages in a circuit. These tasks range from trivial to very difficult, but wave can extrapolate from small training examples to much larger testing examples. These results show that wave may be able to efficiently solve a wide range of problems that require long-range information propagation across undirected graphs. An implementation of the wave network, and example code for the maze problem are included in the tflon deep learning toolkit (https://bitbucket.org/mkmatlock/tflon)

    Asymptotic Enumeration of Spanning Trees

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    We give new general formulas for the asymptotics of the number of spanning trees of a large graph. A special case answers a question of McKay (1983) for regular graphs. The general answer involves a quantity for infinite graphs that we call "tree entropy", which we show is a logarithm of a normalized determinant of the graph Laplacian for infinite graphs. Tree entropy is also expressed using random walks. We relate tree entropy to the metric entropy of the uniform spanning forest process on quasi-transitive amenable graphs, extending a result of Burton and Pemantle (1993).Comment: 38 page

    Active spanning trees and Schramm-Loewner evolution

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    We consider the Peano curve separating a spanning tree from its dual spanning tree on an embedded planar graph, where the tree and dual tree are weighted by yy to the number of active edges, and "active" is in the sense of the Tutte polynomial. When the graph is a portion of the square grid approximating a simply connected domain, it is known (y=1y=1 and y=1+2y=1+\sqrt{2}) or believed (1<y<31<y<3) that the Peano curve converges to a space-filling SLEκ_{\kappa} loop, where y=12cos(4π/κ)y=1-2\cos(4\pi/\kappa), corresponding to 4<κ84<\kappa\leq 8. We argue that the same should hold for 0y<10\le y<1, which corresponds to 8<κ128<\kappa\leq 12.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure