31,718 research outputs found

    Coding for Random Projections

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    The method of random projections has become very popular for large-scale applications in statistical learning, information retrieval, bio-informatics and other applications. Using a well-designed coding scheme for the projected data, which determines the number of bits needed for each projected value and how to allocate these bits, can significantly improve the effectiveness of the algorithm, in storage cost as well as computational speed. In this paper, we study a number of simple coding schemes, focusing on the task of similarity estimation and on an application to training linear classifiers. We demonstrate that uniform quantization outperforms the standard existing influential method (Datar et. al. 2004). Indeed, we argue that in many cases coding with just a small number of bits suffices. Furthermore, we also develop a non-uniform 2-bit coding scheme that generally performs well in practice, as confirmed by our experiments on training linear support vector machines (SVM)

    Randomized Sketches of Convex Programs with Sharp Guarantees

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    Random projection (RP) is a classical technique for reducing storage and computational costs. We analyze RP-based approximations of convex programs, in which the original optimization problem is approximated by the solution of a lower-dimensional problem. Such dimensionality reduction is essential in computation-limited settings, since the complexity of general convex programming can be quite high (e.g., cubic for quadratic programs, and substantially higher for semidefinite programs). In addition to computational savings, random projection is also useful for reducing memory usage, and has useful properties for privacy-sensitive optimization. We prove that the approximation ratio of this procedure can be bounded in terms of the geometry of constraint set. For a broad class of random projections, including those based on various sub-Gaussian distributions as well as randomized Hadamard and Fourier transforms, the data matrix defining the cost function can be projected down to the statistical dimension of the tangent cone of the constraints at the original solution, which is often substantially smaller than the original dimension. We illustrate consequences of our theory for various cases, including unconstrained and â„“1\ell_1-constrained least squares, support vector machines, low-rank matrix estimation, and discuss implications on privacy-sensitive optimization and some connections with de-noising and compressed sensing

    Compact Random Feature Maps

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    Kernel approximation using randomized feature maps has recently gained a lot of interest. In this work, we identify that previous approaches for polynomial kernel approximation create maps that are rank deficient, and therefore do not utilize the capacity of the projected feature space effectively. To address this challenge, we propose compact random feature maps (CRAFTMaps) to approximate polynomial kernels more concisely and accurately. We prove the error bounds of CRAFTMaps demonstrating their superior kernel reconstruction performance compared to the previous approximation schemes. We show how structured random matrices can be used to efficiently generate CRAFTMaps, and present a single-pass algorithm using CRAFTMaps to learn non-linear multi-class classifiers. We present experiments on multiple standard data-sets with performance competitive with state-of-the-art results.Comment: 9 page

    Random Feature Maps via a Layered Random Projection (LaRP) Framework for Object Classification

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    The approximation of nonlinear kernels via linear feature maps has recently gained interest due to their applications in reducing the training and testing time of kernel-based learning algorithms. Current random projection methods avoid the curse of dimensionality by embedding the nonlinear feature space into a low dimensional Euclidean space to create nonlinear kernels. We introduce a Layered Random Projection (LaRP) framework, where we model the linear kernels and nonlinearity separately for increased training efficiency. The proposed LaRP framework was assessed using the MNIST hand-written digits database and the COIL-100 object database, and showed notable improvement in object classification performance relative to other state-of-the-art random projection methods.Comment: 5 page

    Feature Selection for Linear SVM with Provable Guarantees

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    We give two provably accurate feature-selection techniques for the linear SVM. The algorithms run in deterministic and randomized time respectively. Our algorithms can be used in an unsupervised or supervised setting. The supervised approach is based on sampling features from support vectors. We prove that the margin in the feature space is preserved to within ϵ\epsilon-relative error of the margin in the full feature space in the worst-case. In the unsupervised setting, we also provide worst-case guarantees of the radius of the minimum enclosing ball, thereby ensuring comparable generalization as in the full feature space and resolving an open problem posed in Dasgupta et al. We present extensive experiments on real-world datasets to support our theory and to demonstrate that our method is competitive and often better than prior state-of-the-art, for which there are no known provable guarantees.Comment: Appearing in Proceedings of 18th AISTATS, JMLR W&CP, vol 38, 201

    On Lightweight Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Learning for IoT Objects

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) will be a main data generation infrastructure for achieving better system intelligence. This paper considers the design and implementation of a practical privacy-preserving collaborative learning scheme, in which a curious learning coordinator trains a better machine learning model based on the data samples contributed by a number of IoT objects, while the confidentiality of the raw forms of the training data is protected against the coordinator. Existing distributed machine learning and data encryption approaches incur significant computation and communication overhead, rendering them ill-suited for resource-constrained IoT objects. We study an approach that applies independent Gaussian random projection at each IoT object to obfuscate data and trains a deep neural network at the coordinator based on the projected data from the IoT objects. This approach introduces light computation overhead to the IoT objects and moves most workload to the coordinator that can have sufficient computing resources. Although the independent projections performed by the IoT objects address the potential collusion between the curious coordinator and some compromised IoT objects, they significantly increase the complexity of the projected data. In this paper, we leverage the superior learning capability of deep learning in capturing sophisticated patterns to maintain good learning performance. Extensive comparative evaluation shows that this approach outperforms other lightweight approaches that apply additive noisification for differential privacy and/or support vector machines for learning in the applications with light data pattern complexities.Comment: 12 pages,IOTDI 201
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