1 research outputs found

    Random graphs with a fixed maximum degree

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    We study the component structure of the random graph G=Gn,m,dG=G_{n,m,d}. Here d=O(1)d=O(1) and GG is sampled uniformly from Gn,m,d{\mathcal G}_{n,m,d}, the set of graphs with vertex set [n][n], mm edges and maximum degree at most dd. If m=μn/2m=\mu n/2 then we establish a threshold value μ\mu_\star such that if μ<μ\mu<\mu_\star then w.h.p. the maximum component size is O(logn)O(\log n). If μ>μ\mu>\mu_\star then w.h.p. there is a unique giant component of order nn and the remaining components have size O(logn)O( \log n)