3 research outputs found

    Learning Random Fourier Features by Hybrid Constrained Optimization

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    The kernel embedding algorithm is an important component for adapting kernel methods to large datasets. Since the algorithm consumes a major computation cost in the testing phase, we propose a novel teacher-learner framework of learning computation-efficient kernel embeddings from specific data. In the framework, the high-precision embeddings (teacher) transfer the data information to the computation-efficient kernel embeddings (learner). We jointly select informative embedding functions and pursue an orthogonal transformation between two embeddings. We propose a novel approach of constrained variational expectation maximization (CVEM), where the alternate direction method of multiplier (ADMM) is applied over a nonconvex domain in the maximization step. We also propose two specific formulations based on the prevalent Random Fourier Feature (RFF), the masked and blocked version of Computation-Efficient RFF (CERF), by imposing a random binary mask or a block structure on the transformation matrix. By empirical studies of several applications on different real-world datasets, we demonstrate that the CERF significantly improves the performance of kernel methods upon the RFF, under certain arithmetic operation requirements, and suitable for structured matrix multiplication in Fastfood type algorithms

    TripleSpin - a generic compact paradigm for fast machine learning computations

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    We present a generic compact computational framework relying on structured random matrices that can be applied to speed up several machine learning algorithms with almost no loss of accuracy. The applications include new fast LSH-based algorithms, efficient kernel computations via random feature maps, convex optimization algorithms, quantization techniques and many more. Certain models of the presented paradigm are even more compressible since they apply only bit matrices. This makes them suitable for deploying on mobile devices. All our findings come with strong theoretical guarantees. In particular, as a byproduct of the presented techniques and by using relatively new Berry-Esseen-type CLT for random vectors, we give the first theoretical guarantees for one of the most efficient existing LSH algorithms based on the HD3HD2HD1\textbf{HD}_{3}\textbf{HD}_{2}\textbf{HD}_{1} structured matrix ("Practical and Optimal LSH for Angular Distance"). These guarantees as well as theoretical results for other aforementioned applications follow from the same general theoretical principle that we present in the paper. Our structured family contains as special cases all previously considered structured schemes, including the recently introduced PP-model. Experimental evaluation confirms the accuracy and efficiency of TripleSpin matrices

    Random Features for Kernel Approximation: A Survey on Algorithms, Theory, and Beyond

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    Random features is one of the most popular techniques to speed up kernel methods in large-scale problems. Related works have been recognized by the NeurIPS Test-of-Time award in 2017 and the ICML Best Paper Finalist in 2019. The body of work on random features has grown rapidly, and hence it is desirable to have a comprehensive overview on this topic explaining the connections among various algorithms and theoretical results. In this survey, we systematically review the work on random features from the past ten years. First, the motivations, characteristics and contributions of representative random features based algorithms are summarized according to their sampling schemes, learning procedures, variance reduction properties and how they exploit training data. Second, we review theoretical results that center around the following key question: how many random features are needed to ensure a high approximation quality or no loss in the empirical/expected risks of the learned estimator. Third, we provide a comprehensive evaluation of popular random features based algorithms on several large-scale benchmark datasets and discuss their approximation quality and prediction performance for classification. Last, we discuss the relationship between random features and modern over-parameterized deep neural networks (DNNs), including the use of high dimensional random features in the analysis of DNNs as well as the gaps between current theoretical and empirical results. This survey may serve as a gentle introduction to this topic, and as a users' guide for practitioners interested in applying the representative algorithms and understanding theoretical results under various technical assumptions. We hope that this survey will facilitate discussion on the open problems in this topic, and more importantly, shed light on future research directions.Comment: Short version will be published on IEEE TPAM