521 research outputs found

    Lung Segmentation from Chest X-rays using Variational Data Imputation

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    Pulmonary opacification is the inflammation in the lungs caused by many respiratory ailments, including the novel corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Chest X-rays (CXRs) with such opacifications render regions of lungs imperceptible, making it difficult to perform automated image analysis on them. In this work, we focus on segmenting lungs from such abnormal CXRs as part of a pipeline aimed at automated risk scoring of COVID-19 from CXRs. We treat the high opacity regions as missing data and present a modified CNN-based image segmentation network that utilizes a deep generative model for data imputation. We train this model on normal CXRs with extensive data augmentation and demonstrate the usefulness of this model to extend to cases with extreme abnormalities.Comment: Accepted to be presented at the first Workshop on the Art of Learning with Missing Values (Artemiss) hosted by the 37th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). Source code, training data and the trained models are available here: https://github.com/raghavian/lungVAE

    Occluded Person Re-identification

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    Person re-identification (re-id) suffers from a serious occlusion problem when applied to crowded public places. In this paper, we propose to retrieve a full-body person image by using a person image with occlusions. This differs significantly from the conventional person re-id problem where it is assumed that person images are detected without any occlusion. We thus call this new problem the occluded person re-identitification. To address this new problem, we propose a novel Attention Framework of Person Body (AFPB) based on deep learning, consisting of 1) an Occlusion Simulator (OS) which automatically generates artificial occlusions for full-body person images, and 2) multi-task losses that force the neural network not only to discriminate a person's identity but also to determine whether a sample is from the occluded data distribution or the full-body data distribution. Experiments on a new occluded person re-id dataset and three existing benchmarks modified to include full-body person images and occluded person images show the superiority of the proposed method.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, IEEE International Conference of Multimedia and Expo 201
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