10 research outputs found

    Countably compact groups without non-trivial convergent sequences

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    We construct, in ZFC\mathsf{ZFC}, a countably compact subgroup of 2c2^{\mathfrak{c}} without non-trivial convergent sequences, answering an old problem of van Douwen. As a consequence we also prove the existence of two countably compact groups G0\mathbb{G}_{0} and G1\mathbb{G}_{1} such that the product G0×G1\mathbb{G}_{0} \times \mathbb{G}_{1} is not countably compact, thus answering a classical problem of Comfort.Comment: 21 pages, to be published in Transactions of the American Mathematical Societ

    On the structure of Borel ideals in-between the ideals \ED and \fin\otimes\fin in the Kat\v{e}tov order

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    For a family \cF\subseteq \omega^\omega we define the ideal \I(\cF) on ω×ω\omega\times\omega to be the ideal generated by the family \{A\subseteq \omega\times\omega:\exists f\in \cF\,\forall^\infty n\, (|\{k:(n,k)\in A\}|\leq f(n))\}. Using ideals of the form \I(\cF), we show that the structure of Borel ideals in-between two well known Borel ideals \ED = \{A\subseteq\omega\times\omega:\exists m \, \forall^\infty n\, (|\{k:(n,k)\in A\}| and \fin\otimes\fin = \{A\subseteq\omega\times\omega:\forall^\infty n \, (|\{k:(n,k)\in A\}|<\aleph_0))\} in the Kat\v{e}tov order is fairly complicated. Namely, there is a copy of \cP(\omega)/\fin in-between \ED and \fin\otimes\fin, and consequently there are increasing and decreasing chains of length \bnumber and antichains of size \continuum

    Reconstruction of a coloring from its homogeneous sets

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    We study a reconstruction problem for colorings. Given a finite or countable set XX, a coloring on XX is a function φ:[X]2→{0,1}\varphi: [X]^{2}\to \{0,1\}, where [X]2[X]^{2} is the collection of all 2-elements subsets of XX. A set H⊆XH\subseteq X is homogeneous for φ\varphi when φ\varphi is constant on [H]2[H]^2. Let hom(φ)hom(\varphi) be the collection of all homogeneous sets for φ\varphi. The coloring 1−φ1-\varphi is called the complement of φ\varphi. We say that φ\varphi is {\em reconstructible} up to complementation from its homogeneous sets, if for any coloring ψ\psi on XX such that hom(φ)=hom(ψ)hom(\varphi)=hom(\psi) we have that either ψ=φ\psi=\varphi or ψ=1−φ\psi=1-\varphi. We present several conditions for reconstructibility and non reconstructibility. We show that there is a Borel way to reconstruct a coloring from its homogeneous sets

    Pathology of submeasures and FσF_\sigma ideals

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    We address some phenomena about the interaction between lower semicontinuous submeasures on N\mathbb{N} and FσF_{\sigma} ideals. We analyze the pathology degree of a submeasure and present a method to construct pathological FσF_\sigma ideals. We give a partial answers to the question of whether every nonpathological tall FσF_\sigma ideal is Kat\v{e}tov above the random ideal or at least has a Borel selector. Finally, we show a representation of nonpathological FσF_\sigma ideals using sequences in Banach spaces.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2111.1059

    Ideals on countable sets: a survey with questions

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    An ideal on a set XX is a collection of subsets of XX closed under the operations of taking finite unions and subsets of its elements. Ideals are a very useful notion in topology and set theory and have been studied for a long time. We present a survey of results about ideals on countable sets and include many open questions

    Ideals on countable sets: a survey with questions

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    An ideal on a set X is a collection of subsets of X closed under the operations of taking finite unions and subsets of its elements. Ideals are a very useful notion in topology and set theory and have been studied for a long time. We present a survey of results about ideals on countable sets and include many open questions