22 research outputs found

    Author index to volume 185 (1998)

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    Induced Ramsey-type theorems

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    We present a unified approach to proving Ramsey-type theorems for graphs with a forbidden induced subgraph which can be used to extend and improve the earlier results of Rodl, Erdos-Hajnal, Promel-Rodl, Nikiforov, Chung-Graham, and Luczak-Rodl. The proofs are based on a simple lemma (generalizing one by Graham, Rodl, and Rucinski) that can be used as a replacement for Szemeredi's regularity lemma, thereby giving much better bounds. The same approach can be also used to show that pseudo-random graphs have strong induced Ramsey properties. This leads to explicit constructions for upper bounds on various induced Ramsey numbers.Comment: 30 page

    Density theorems for bipartite graphs and related Ramsey-type results

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    In this paper, we present several density-type theorems which show how to find a copy of a sparse bipartite graph in a graph of positive density. Our results imply several new bounds for classical problems in graph Ramsey theory and improve and generalize earlier results of various researchers. The proofs combine probabilistic arguments with some combinatorial ideas. In addition, these techniques can be used to study properties of graphs with a forbidden induced subgraph, edge intersection patterns in topological graphs, and to obtain several other Ramsey-type statements

    On two problems in graph Ramsey theory

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    We study two classical problems in graph Ramsey theory, that of determining the Ramsey number of bounded-degree graphs and that of estimating the induced Ramsey number for a graph with a given number of vertices. The Ramsey number r(H) of a graph H is the least positive integer N such that every two-coloring of the edges of the complete graph KNK_N contains a monochromatic copy of H. A famous result of Chv\'atal, R\"{o}dl, Szemer\'edi and Trotter states that there exists a constant c(\Delta) such that r(H) \leq c(\Delta) n for every graph H with n vertices and maximum degree \Delta. The important open question is to determine the constant c(\Delta). The best results, both due to Graham, R\"{o}dl and Ruci\'nski, state that there are constants c and c' such that 2^{c' \Delta} \leq c(\Delta) \leq 2^{c \Delta \log^2 \Delta}. We improve this upper bound, showing that there is a constant c for which c(\Delta) \leq 2^{c \Delta \log \Delta}. The induced Ramsey number r_{ind}(H) of a graph H is the least positive integer N for which there exists a graph G on N vertices such that every two-coloring of the edges of G contains an induced monochromatic copy of H. Erd\H{o}s conjectured the existence of a constant c such that, for any graph H on n vertices, r_{ind}(H) \leq 2^{c n}. We move a step closer to proving this conjecture, showing that r_{ind} (H) \leq 2^{c n \log n}. This improves upon an earlier result of Kohayakawa, Pr\"{o}mel and R\"{o}dl by a factor of \log n in the exponent.Comment: 18 page

    Directed Ramsey number for trees

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    In this paper, we study Ramsey-type problems for directed graphs. We first consider the kk-colour oriented Ramsey number of HH, denoted by R→(H,k)\overrightarrow{R}(H,k), which is the least nn for which every kk-edge-coloured tournament on nn vertices contains a monochromatic copy of HH. We prove that R→(T,k)≀ck∣T∣k \overrightarrow{R}(T,k) \le c_k|T|^k for any oriented tree TT. This is a generalisation of a similar result for directed paths by Chv\'atal and by Gy\'arf\'as and Lehel, and answers a question of Yuster. In general, it is tight up to a constant factor. We also consider the kk-colour directed Ramsey number R↔(H,k)\overleftrightarrow{R}(H,k) of HH, which is defined as above, but, instead of colouring tournaments, we colour the complete directed graph of order nn. Here we show that R↔(T,k)≀ck∣T∣k−1 \overleftrightarrow{R}(T,k) \le c_k|T|^{k-1} for any oriented tree TT, which is again tight up to a constant factor, and it generalises a result by Williamson and by Gy\'arf\'as and Lehel who determined the 22-colour directed Ramsey number of directed paths.Comment: 27 pages, 14 figure

    Directed Ramsey number for trees

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    We call a family F of subsets of [n] s-saturated if it contains no s pairwise disjoint sets, and moreover no set can be added to F while preserving this property (here [n] = {1, . . . , n}). More than 40 years ago, Erd˝os and Kleitman conjectured that an s-saturated family of subsets of [n] has size at least (1 − 2 −(s−1))2n. It is easy to show that every s-saturated family has size at least 1 2 · 2 n, but, as was mentioned by Frankl and Tokushige, even obtaining a slightly better bound of (1/2 + Δ)2n, for some fixed Δ > 0, seems difficult. In this note, we prove such a result, showing that every s-saturated family of subsets of [n] has size at least (1 − 1/s)2n. This lower bound is a consequence of a multipartite version of the problem, in which we seek a lower bound on |F1| + . . . + |Fs| where F1, . . . , Fs are families of subsets of [n], such that there are no s pairwise disjoint sets, one from each family Fi , and furthermore no set can be added to any of the families while preserving this property. We show that |F1| + . . . + |Fs| ≄ (s − 1) · 2 n, which is tight e.g. by taking F1 to be empty, and letting the remaining families be the families of all subsets of [n]