2 research outputs found

    Rainbow matchings in properly-colored hypergraphs

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    A hypergraph HH is properly colored if for every vertex v∈V(H)v\in V(H), all the edges incident to vv have distinct colors. In this paper, we show that if H1H_{1}, \cdots, HsH_{s} are properly-colored kk-uniform hypergraphs on nn vertices, where nβ‰₯3k2sn\geq3k^{2}s, and e(Hi)>(nk)βˆ’(nβˆ’s+1k)e(H_{i})>{{n}\choose {k}}-{{n-s+1}\choose {k}}, then there exists a rainbow matching of size ss, containing one edge from each HiH_i. This generalizes some previous results on the Erd\H{o}s Matching Conjecture

    Simple juntas for shifted families

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    We say that a family F\mathcal F of kk-element sets is a {\it jj-junta} if there is a set JJ of size jj such that, for any FF, its presence in F\mathcal F depends on its intersection with JJ only. Approximating arbitrary families by jj-juntas with small jj is a recent powerful technique in extremal set theory. The weak point of all known junta approximation results is that they work in the range n>Ckn>Ck, where CC is an extremely fast growing function of the input parameters, such as the quality of approximation or the number of families we simultaneously approximate. We say that a family F\mathcal F is {\it shifted} if for any F={x1,…,xk}∈FF=\{x_1,\ldots, x_k\}\in \mathcal F and any G={y1,…,yk}G =\{y_1,\ldots, y_k\} such that yi≀xiy_i\le x_i, we have G∈FG\in \mathcal F. For many extremal set theory problems, including the Erd\H os Matching Conjecture, or the Complete tt-Intersection Theorem, it is sufficient to deal with shifted families only. In this paper, we present very general approximation by juntas results for shifted families with explicit (and essentially linear) dependency on the input parameters. The results are best possible up to some constant factors. Moreover, they give meaningful statements for almost all range of values of nn. The proofs are shorter than the proofs of the previous approximation by juntas results and are completely self-contained. As an application of our junta approximation, we give a nearly-linear bound for the multi-family version of the Erd\H os Matching Conjecture. More precisely, we prove the following result. Let nβ‰₯12sklog⁑(e2s)n\ge 12sk\log(e^2s) and suppose that the families F1,…,FsβŠ‚([n]k)\mathcal F_1,\ldots, \mathcal F_s\subset {[n]\choose k} do not contain F1∈F1,…,Fs∈FsF_1\in\mathcal F_1,\ldots, F_s\in \mathcal F_s such that FiF_i's are pairwise disjoint. Then $\min_{i}|\mathcal F_i|\le {n\choose k}-{n-s+1\choose k}.