124 research outputs found

    RCDNet: An Interpretable Rain Convolutional Dictionary Network for Single Image Deraining

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    As a common weather, rain streaks adversely degrade the image quality. Hence, removing rains from an image has become an important issue in the field. To handle such an ill-posed single image deraining task, in this paper, we specifically build a novel deep architecture, called rain convolutional dictionary network (RCDNet), which embeds the intrinsic priors of rain streaks and has clear interpretability. In specific, we first establish a RCD model for representing rain streaks and utilize the proximal gradient descent technique to design an iterative algorithm only containing simple operators for solving the model. By unfolding it, we then build the RCDNet in which every network module has clear physical meanings and corresponds to each operation involved in the algorithm. This good interpretability greatly facilitates an easy visualization and analysis on what happens inside the network and why it works well in inference process. Moreover, taking into account the domain gap issue in real scenarios, we further design a novel dynamic RCDNet, where the rain kernels can be dynamically inferred corresponding to input rainy images and then help shrink the space for rain layer estimation with few rain maps so as to ensure a fine generalization performance in the inconsistent scenarios of rain types between training and testing data. By end-to-end training such an interpretable network, all involved rain kernels and proximal operators can be automatically extracted, faithfully characterizing the features of both rain and clean background layers, and thus naturally lead to better deraining performance. Comprehensive experiments substantiate the superiority of our method, especially on its well generality to diverse testing scenarios and good interpretability for all its modules. Code is available in \emph{\url{https://github.com/hongwang01/DRCDNet}}

    Memory-guided Image De-raining Using Time-Lapse Data

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    This paper addresses the problem of single image de-raining, that is, the task of recovering clean and rain-free background scenes from a single image obscured by a rainy artifact. Although recent advances adopt real-world time-lapse data to overcome the need for paired rain-clean images, they are limited to fully exploit the time-lapse data. The main cause is that, in terms of network architectures, they could not capture long-term rain streak information in the time-lapse data during training owing to the lack of memory components. To address this problem, we propose a novel network architecture based on a memory network that explicitly helps to capture long-term rain streak information in the time-lapse data. Our network comprises the encoder-decoder networks and a memory network. The features extracted from the encoder are read and updated in the memory network that contains several memory items to store rain streak-aware feature representations. With the read/update operation, the memory network retrieves relevant memory items in terms of the queries, enabling the memory items to represent the various rain streaks included in the time-lapse data. To boost the discriminative power of memory features, we also present a novel background selective whitening (BSW) loss for capturing only rain streak information in the memory network by erasing the background information. Experimental results on standard benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of our approach
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