2 research outputs found

    Applications of Medical Physics

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    Applications of Medical Physics” is a Special Issue of Applied Sciences that has collected original research manuscripts describing cutting-edge physics developments in medicine and their translational applications. Reviews providing updates on the latest progresses in this field are also included. The collection includes a total of 20 contributions by authors from 9 different countries, which cover several areas of medical physics, spanning from radiation therapy, nuclear medicine, radiology, dosimetry, radiation protection, and radiobiology

    Radiomic and dosiomic profiling of paediatric medulloblastoma tumours treated with intensity modulated radiation therapy

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    The aim of this work is to describe the state of progress of a study developed in the framework of AIM (Artificial Intelligence in Medicine). It is a project funded by INFN, Italy, and it involves researchers from INFN, Hospital Meyer and Radiotherapy Unit of University of Florence. The aim of the proposed study is to apply a retrospective exploratory MR-CT-based radiomics and dosiomic analysis based on emerging machine-learning technologies, to investigate imaging biomarkers of clinical outcomes in paediatric patients affected by medulloblastoma, from images. Features from MR-CT scans will be associated with overall survival, recurrence-free survival, and loco-regional recurrence-free survival after intensity modulated radiotherapy. Dosimetric analysis data will be integrated with the objective of increase predictive value. This approach could have a large impact for precision medicine, as radiomic biomarkers are non-invasive and can be applied to imaging data that are already acquired in clinical settings