1,389 research outputs found

    Analysis of RFI Identification and Mitigation in CAROLS Radiometer Data Using a Hardware Spectrum Analyser

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    A method to identify and mitigate radio frequency interference (RFI) in microwave radiometry based on the use of a spectrum analyzer has been developed. This method has been tested with CAROLS L-band airborne radiometer data that are strongly corrupted by RFI. RFI is a major limiting factor in passive microwave remote sensing interpretation. Although the 1.400–1.427 GHz bandwidth is protected, RFI sources close to these frequencies are still capable of corrupting radiometric measurements. In order to reduce the detrimental effects of RFI on brightness temperature measurements, a new spectrum analyzer has been added to the CAROLS radiometer system. A post processing algorithm is proposed, based on selective filters within the useful bandwidth divided into sub-bands. Two discriminant analyses based on the computation of kurtosis and Euclidian distances have been compared evaluated and validated in order to accurately separate the RF interference from natural signals

    Performance assessment of time–frequency RFI mitigation techniques in microwave radiometry

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    ©2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Radio–frequency interference (RFI) signals are a well-known threat for microwave radiometry (MWR) applications. In order to alleviate this problem, different approaches for RFI detection and mitigation are currently under development. Since RFI signals are man made, they tend to have their power more concentrated in the time–frequency (TF) space as compared to naturally emitted noise. The aim of this paper is to perform an assessment of different TF RFI mitigation techniques in terms of probability of detection, resolution loss (RL), and mitigation performance. In this assessment, six different kinds of RFI signals have been considered: a glitch, a burst of pulses, a wide-band chirp, a narrow-band chirp, a continuous wave, and a wide-band modulation. The results show that the best performance occurs when the transform basis has a similar shape as compared to the RFI signal. For the best case performance, the maximum residual RFI temperature is 14.8 K, and the worst RL is 8.4%. Moreover, the multiresolution Fourier transform technique appears as a good tradeoff solution among all other techniques since it can mitigate all RFI signals under evaluation with a maximum residual RFI temperature of 21 K, and a worst RL of 26.3%. Although the obtained results are still far from an acceptable bias Misplaced < 1 K for MWR applications, there is still work to do in a combined test using the information gathered simultaneously by all mitigation techniques, which could improve the overall performance of RFI mitigation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A review of RFI mitigation techniques in microwave radiometry

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    Radio frequency interference (RFI) is a well-known problem in microwave radiometry (MWR). Any undesired signal overlapping the MWR protected frequency bands introduces a bias in the measurements, which can corrupt the retrieved geophysical parameters. This paper presents a literature review of RFI detection and mitigation techniques for microwave radiometry from space. The reviewed techniques are divided between real aperture and aperture synthesis. A discussion and assessment of the application of RFI mitigation techniques is presented for each type of radiometer.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The CubeSat Radiometer Radio Frequency Interference Technology Validation (CubeRRT) Mission

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    The CubeSat Radiometer Radio Frequency Interference Technology Validation (CubeRRT) mission has developed a 6U CubeSat to demonstrate radio frequency interference (RFI) detection and mitigation technologies for future Earth remote sensing missions. Anthropogenic sources of RFI can degenerate important geophysical retrievals from spaceborne passive microwave radiometers. Real-time on-board RFI processing is therefore an important technology needed for future radiometry missions. CubeRRT will perform microwave radiometry observations in 1 GHz channels tunable from 6-40 GHz and will demonstrate on-board real-time RFI processing. The CubeRRT payload consists of a wideband antenna subsystem developed at Ohio State, a tunable analog radiometer subsystem developed at Goddard Space Flight Center, and a digital backend processor for real-time RFI mitigation developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The spacecraft bus was developed and integrated at Blue Canyon Technologies. The enabling CubeRRT technology is a digital Field-Programmable Gate Array-based spectrometer with 1 GHz bandwidth that implements advanced RFI filtering algorithms based on real-time kurtosis and cross-frequency techniques. CubeRRT was manifested on the OA-9 International Space Station resupply mission and launched on May 21, 2018. This talk will describe the assembly and test of the flight system as well as the status of on-orbit operations

    On the potential of empirical mode decomposition for RFI mitigation in microwave radiometry

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    Radio-frequency interference (RFI) is an increasing problem particularly for Earth observation using microwave radiometry. RFI has been observed, for example, at L-band by the European Space Agency’s (ESA’s) soil moisture and ocean salinity (SMOS) Earth Explorer and by National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA’s) soil moisture active passive (SMAP) and Aquarius missions, as well as at C-band by Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer (AMSR)-E and AMSR-2, and at 10.7 and 18.7 GHz by AMSR-E, AMSR-2, WindSat, and GPM Microwave Imager (GMI). Therefore, systems dedicated to interference detection and removal of contaminated measurements are nowadays a must in order to improve radiometric accuracy and reduce the loss of spatial coverage caused by interference. In this work, the feasibility of using the empirical mode decomposition (EMD) technique for RFI mitigation is explored. The EMD, also known as Hilbert–Huang transform (HHT), is an algorithm that decomposes the signal into intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). The achieved performance is analyzed, and the opportunities and caveats that this type of methods present are described. EMD is found to be a practical RFI mitigation method, albeit presenting some limitations and considerable complexity. Nevertheless, in some conditions, EMD exhibits a better performance than other commonly used methods (such as frequency binning). In particular, it has been found that EMD performs well for RFI affecting the <25% lower part of the intermediate frequency (IF) bandwidth.This work was supported in part by the Sensing With Pioneering Opportunistic Techniques (SPOT) under Grant RTI2018-099008-B-C21/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033, in part by the RYC-2016-20918 under Grant MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, and in part by the European Social Fund (ESF), Investing in your future.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Development of UHF radiometer

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    A wideband multifrequency UHF radiometer was initially developed to operate in the 500 to 710 MHz frequency range for the remote measurement of ocean water salinity. However, radio-frequency interference required a reconfiguration to operate in the single-frequency radio astronomy band of 608 to 614 MHz. Details of the radiometer development and testing are described. Flight testing over variable terrain provided a performance comparison of the UHF radiometer with an L-band radiometer for remote sensing of geophysical parameters. Although theoretically more sensitive, the UHF radiometer was found to be less desirable in practice than the L-band radiometer

    An introduction to factor analysis for radio frequency interference detection on satellite observations

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    A novel radio frequency interference (RFI) detection method is introduced for satellite-borne passive microwave radiometer observations. This method is based on factor analysis, in which variability among observed and correlated variables is described in terms of factors. In the present study, this method is applied to the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM)/TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) and Aqua/Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer – Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) satellite measurements over the land surface to detect the RFI signals, respectively, in 10 and 6 GHz channels. The RFI detection results are compared with other traditional methods, such as spectral difference method and principal component analysis (PCA) method. It has been found that the newly proposed method is able to detect RFI signals in the C- and X-band radiometer channels as effectively as the conventional PCA method

    Real-Time Detection and Filtering of Radio Frequency Interference On-board a Spaceborne Microwave Radiometer: The CubeRRT Mission

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    The Cubesat Radiometer Radio frequency interference Technology validation mission (CubeRRT) was developed to demonstrate real-time on-board detection and filtering of radio frequency interference (RFI) for wide bandwidth microwave radiometers. CubeRRT’s key technology is its radiometer digital backend (RDB) that is capable of measuring an instantaneous bandwidth of 1 GHz and of filtering the input signal into an estimated total power with and without RFI contributions. CubeRRT’s on-board RFI processing capability dramatically reduces the volume of data that must be downlinked to the ground and eliminates the need for ground-based RFI processing. RFI detection is performed by resolving the input bandwidth into 128 frequency sub-channels, with the kurtosis of each sub-channel and the variations in power across frequency used to detect non-thermal contributions. RFI filtering is performed by removing corrupted frequency sub-channels prior to the computation of the total channel power. The 1 GHz bandwidth input signals processed by the RDB are obtained from the payload’s antenna (ANT) and radiometer front end (RFE) subsystems that are capable of tuning across RF center frequencies from 6 to 40 GHz. The CubeRRT payload was installed into a 6U spacecraft bus provided by Blue Canyon Technologies that provides spacecraft power, communications, data management, and navigation functions. The design, development, integration and test, and on-orbit operations of CubeRRT are described in this paper. The spacecraft was delivered on March 22nd, 2018 for launch to the International Space Station (ISS) on May 21st, 2018. Since its deployment from the ISS on July 13th, 2018, the CubeRRT RDB has completed more than 5000 hours of operation successfully, validating its robustness as an RFI processor. Although CubeRRT’s RFE subsystem ceased operating on September 8th, 2018, causing the RDB input thereafter to consist only of internally generated noise, CubeRRT’s key RDB technology continues to operate without issue and has demonstrated its capabilities as a valuable subsystem for future radiometry missions
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