2 research outputs found

    Analyse et développement de radar à diversité spatiale: applications à l'évitement de collisions de véhicules et au positionnement local

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    RÉSUMÉ En tant que dispositif d’assistance Ă  la conduite sĂ©curitaire de la prochaine gĂ©nĂ©ration d’automobiles, les radars ont suscitĂ© beaucoup d’intĂ©rĂȘt auprĂšs des chercheurs du domaine au cours de la derniĂšre dĂ©cennie. DĂ©sormais appelĂ©s les radars Ă  Ă©vitement/avertissement des collisions (collision avoidance/warning), ces radars ouvrent leurs chemins pour venir en aide aux conducteurs dans les conditions climatiques difficiles ou en perte de concentration. Une autre application rĂ©cente des radars est dans les systĂšmes de positionnement local. Dans les milieux industriels et mĂ©dicaux, nous avons besoin de localiser les Ă©quipements sollicitĂ©s frĂ©quemment dont les contraintes de coĂ»t et d’encombrement limitent le nombre d’exemplaires. Par ailleurs, avec le vieillissement de la population et les besoins croissants des personnes ĂągĂ©es en soins mĂ©dicaux, la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’un systĂšme permettant l’évaluation Ă  distance de la position (debout, couchĂ©, tombĂ©, 
) des patients se fait sentir depuis un certain temps. Un autre exemple est la surveillance des enfants et des personnes Ă  risque dans un endroit peuplĂ© comme dans une foire ou sur une plage. La possibilitĂ© de pouvoir repĂ©rer les pompiers dans un immeuble en feu serait une autre application intĂ©ressante. Devant la multitude de ces applications potentielles et attrayantes dont les contextes Ă©voluent, le systĂšme de positionnement local doit Ă  son tour Ă©voluer et s’adapter. Par ailleurs, il est bien connu que les radars, comme tous les systĂšmes de tĂ©lĂ©communications sans fil, sont confrontĂ©s au problĂšme d’évanouissement du signal. D’une maniĂšre gĂ©nĂ©rale, ce problĂšme est dĂ» aux propagations multi-chemins du signal. Autrement dit, les rĂ©flexions multiples du signal par les objets environnants mobiles et stationnaires se neutralisent de façon alĂ©atoire au point d’arrivĂ©e oĂč se trouve l’antenne rĂ©ceptrice. Dans un contexte diffĂ©rent et pour des raisons Ă  priori diffĂ©rentes, les radars subissent le mĂȘme type de dĂ©faillances. MĂȘme dans un milieu dĂ©gagĂ© et avec la visibilitĂ© directe (line of sight) sur la cible, les radars sont exposĂ©s au problĂšme d’évanouissement du signal (power fading) dĂ» aux changements de la surface Ă©quivalente radar (radar cross section) de la cible.----------ABSTRACT As a device enabling the safe driving of the next generation of vehicles, the radars have trigged much interest among the researchers of this field in the last decade. Recently called collision avoidance/warning radar, this type of radar can assist drivers in bad weather conditions and when driver’s concentration and attention fails. In the other hand, the utilization context of systems has evolved and will go even further in the upcoming years. In the industrial locations and medical centers, we need to locate most requested equipments. With aging society and the growing needs of elder people for medical care, a system capable of remotely sensing the patients (standing, lying down or falling) has been studied since the beginning of the new century. Other interesting example would include the surveillance of children in crowded places (beaches or amusement parks) or locating fire fighters in a building. In a context of evolving applications, the vertical local positioning system should also evolve. The most frequently used method in local positioning systems is to make use of three base stations at different places and to measure the range of the tag by each base station. Then the exact location of the tag is calculated by triangulation. In practice, a fourth base station is added for more reliability and time synchronization. In some situations like the surveillance of a beach or a building on fire, installing the third base station would be a difficult or time consuming task. Our idea is to elevate the third base station at a reasonable height. This will provide a better signal quality and more information about the target can be obtained. It is a new type of local positioning system that we call VLPS (Vertical Local Positioning System). We will examine the constraints of VLPS in the second part of this thesis. Moreover, it is well known that the radars, as well as all wireless telecommunication systems, are confronted with the problem of fading signals. Generally, this problem is due to multi-path effects of signal propagations. In other words, the multiple signal reflections by the surrounding stationary and mobile objects are randomly neutralized at the arriving point of the receiving antenna. In a different context and for apparently unlike motives, the radars are subject to the same issue. Even when the target is in the line-up site of transmitting and receiving antennas (radars), they face the same type of scintillations due to the variation of the radar cross section (RCS) of a target. Indeed, the radar cross section of the majority of targets strongly depends on the aspect angles of the receiving and transmitting antennas

    Radio propagation measurements and modelling using ray tracing techniques

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