349 research outputs found

    Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Estimating Lens Distortion Parameters

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    In this paper we present a convolutional neural network (CNN) to predict multiple lens distortion parameters from a single input image. Unlike other methods, our network is suitable to create high resolution output as it directly estimates the parameters from the image which then can be used to rectify even very high resolution input images. As our method it is fully automatic, it is suitable for both casual creatives and professional artists. Our results show that our network accurately predicts the lens distortion parameters of high resolution images and corrects the distortions satisfactory

    RecRecNet: Rectangling Rectified Wide-Angle Images by Thin-Plate Spline Model and DoF-based Curriculum Learning

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    The wide-angle lens shows appealing applications in VR technologies, but it introduces severe radial distortion into its captured image. To recover the realistic scene, previous works devote to rectifying the content of the wide-angle image. However, such a rectification solution inevitably distorts the image boundary, which changes related geometric distributions and misleads the current vision perception models. In this work, we explore constructing a win-win representation on both content and boundary by contributing a new learning model, i.e., Rectangling Rectification Network (RecRecNet). In particular, we propose a thin-plate spline (TPS) module to formulate the non-linear and non-rigid transformation for rectangling images. By learning the control points on the rectified image, our model can flexibly warp the source structure to the target domain and achieves an end-to-end unsupervised deformation. To relieve the complexity of structure approximation, we then inspire our RecRecNet to learn the gradual deformation rules with a DoF (Degree of Freedom)-based curriculum learning. By increasing the DoF in each curriculum stage, namely, from similarity transformation (4-DoF) to homography transformation (8-DoF), the network is capable of investigating more detailed deformations, offering fast convergence on the final rectangling task. Experiments show the superiority of our solution over the compared methods on both quantitative and qualitative evaluations. The code and dataset are available at https://github.com/KangLiao929/RecRecNet.Comment: Accepted to ICCV 202

    Let's Enhance: A Deep Learning Approach to Extreme Deblurring of Text Images

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    This work presents a novel deep-learning-based pipeline for the inverse problem of image deblurring, leveraging augmentation and pre-training with synthetic data. Our results build on our winning submission to the recent Helsinki Deblur Challenge 2021, whose goal was to explore the limits of state-of-the-art deblurring algorithms in a real-world data setting. The task of the challenge was to deblur out-of-focus images of random text, thereby in a downstream task, maximizing an optical-character-recognition-based score function. A key step of our solution is the data-driven estimation of the physical forward model describing the blur process. This enables a stream of synthetic data, generating pairs of ground-truth and blurry images on-the-fly, which is used for an extensive augmentation of the small amount of challenge data provided. The actual deblurring pipeline consists of an approximate inversion of the radial lens distortion (determined by the estimated forward model) and a U-Net architecture, which is trained end-to-end. Our algorithm was the only one passing the hardest challenge level, achieving over 70%70\% character recognition accuracy. Our findings are well in line with the paradigm of data-centric machine learning, and we demonstrate its effectiveness in the context of inverse problems. Apart from a detailed presentation of our methodology, we also analyze the importance of several design choices in a series of ablation studies. The code of our challenge submission is available under https://github.com/theophil-trippe/HDC_TUBerlin_version_1.Comment: This article has been published in a revised form in Inverse Problems and Imagin

    SimFIR: A Simple Framework for Fisheye Image Rectification with Self-supervised Representation Learning

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    In fisheye images, rich distinct distortion patterns are regularly distributed in the image plane. These distortion patterns are independent of the visual content and provide informative cues for rectification. To make the best of such rectification cues, we introduce SimFIR, a simple framework for fisheye image rectification based on self-supervised representation learning. Technically, we first split a fisheye image into multiple patches and extract their representations with a Vision Transformer (ViT). To learn fine-grained distortion representations, we then associate different image patches with their specific distortion patterns based on the fisheye model, and further subtly design an innovative unified distortion-aware pretext task for their learning. The transfer performance on the downstream rectification task is remarkably boosted, which verifies the effectiveness of the learned representations. Extensive experiments are conducted, and the quantitative and qualitative results demonstrate the superiority of our method over the state-of-the-art algorithms as well as its strong generalization ability on real-world fisheye images.Comment: Accepted to ICCV 202
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