28 research outputs found

    Minimal Solvers for Monocular Rolling Shutter Compensation under Ackermann Motion

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    Modern automotive vehicles are often equipped with a budget commercial rolling shutter camera. These devices often produce distorted images due to the inter-row delay of the camera while capturing the image. Recent methods for monocular rolling shutter motion compensation utilize blur kernel and the straightness property of line segments. However, these methods are limited to handling rotational motion and also are not fast enough to operate in real time. In this paper, we propose a minimal solver for the rolling shutter motion compensation which assumes known vertical direction of the camera. Thanks to the Ackermann motion model of vehicles which consists of only two motion parameters, and two parameters for the simplified depth assumption that lead to a 4-line algorithm. The proposed minimal solver estimates the rolling shutter camera motion efficiently and accurately. The extensive experiments on real and simulated datasets demonstrate the benefits of our approach in terms of qualitative and quantitative results.Comment: Submitted to WACV 201

    Direct Sparse Odometry with Rolling Shutter

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    Neglecting the effects of rolling-shutter cameras for visual odometry (VO) severely degrades accuracy and robustness. In this paper, we propose a novel direct monocular VO method that incorporates a rolling-shutter model. Our approach extends direct sparse odometry which performs direct bundle adjustment of a set of recent keyframe poses and the depths of a sparse set of image points. We estimate the velocity at each keyframe and impose a constant-velocity prior for the optimization. In this way, we obtain a near real-time, accurate direct VO method. Our approach achieves improved results on challenging rolling-shutter sequences over state-of-the-art global-shutter VO

    Fast and Accurate Camera Covariance Computation for Large 3D Reconstruction

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    Estimating uncertainty of camera parameters computed in Structure from Motion (SfM) is an important tool for evaluating the quality of the reconstruction and guiding the reconstruction process. Yet, the quality of the estimated parameters of large reconstructions has been rarely evaluated due to the computational challenges. We present a new algorithm which employs the sparsity of the uncertainty propagation and speeds the computation up about ten times \wrt previous approaches. Our computation is accurate and does not use any approximations. We can compute uncertainties of thousands of cameras in tens of seconds on a standard PC. We also demonstrate that our approach can be effectively used for reconstructions of any size by applying it to smaller sub-reconstructions.Comment: ECCV 201