7 research outputs found

    The information-theoretic meaning of Gagliardo--Nirenberg type inequalities

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    Gagliardo--Nirenberg inequalities are interpolation inequalities which were proved independently by Gagliardo and Nirenberg in the late fifties. In recent years, their connections with theoretic aspects of information theory and nonlinear diffusion equations allowed to obtain some of them in optimal form, by recovering both the sharp constants and the explicit form of the optimizers. In this note, at the light of these recent researches, we review the main connections between Shannon-type entropies, diffusion equations and a class of these inequalities

    A concavity property for the reciprocal of Fisher information and its consequences on Costa's EPI

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    We prove that the reciprocal of Fisher information of a log-concave probability density XX in Rn{\bf{R}}^n is concave in tt with respect to the addition of a Gaussian noise Zt=N(0,tIn)Z_t = N(0, tI_n). As a byproduct of this result we show that the third derivative of the entropy power of a log-concave probability density XX in Rn{\bf{R}}^n is nonnegative in tt with respect to the addition of a Gaussian noise ZtZ_t. For log-concave densities this improves the well-known Costa's concavity property of the entropy power

    Interpolation inequalities and spectral estimates for magnetic operators

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    We prove magnetic interpolation inequalities and Keller-Lieb-Thir-ring estimates for the principal eigenvalue of magnetic Schr{\"o}dinger operators. We establish explicit upper and lower bounds for the best constants and show by numerical methods that our theoretical estimates are accurate

    Rényi entropies and nonlinear diffusion equations

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    Since their introduction in the early sixties, the Rényi entropies have been used in many contexts, ranging from information theory to astrophysics, turbulence phenomena and others. In this note, we enlighten the main connections between Rényi entropies and nonlinear diffusion equations. In particular, it is shown that these relationships allow to prove various functional inequalities in sharp form