5 research outputs found

    Measuring comprehension and perception of neural machine translated texts : a pilot study

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    In this paper we compare the results of reading comprehension tests on both human translated and raw (unedited) machine translated texts. We selected three texts of the English Machine Translation Evaluation version (CREG-MT-eval) of the Corpus of Reading Comprehension Exercises (CREG), for which we produced three different translations: a manual translation and two automatic translations generated by two state-of-the-art neural machine translation engines, viz. DeepL and Google Translate. The experiment was conducted via a SurveyMonkey questionnaire, which 99 participants filled in. Participants were asked to read the translation very carefully after which they had to answer the comprehension questions without having access to the translated text. Apart from assessing comprehension, we posed additional questions to get information on the participants’ perception of the machine translations. The results show that 74% of the participants can tell whether a translation was produced by a human or a machine. Human translations received the best overall clarity scores, but the reading comprehension tests provided much less unequivocal results. The errors that bother readers most relate to grammar, sentence length, level of idiomaticity and incoherence

    Exploring gap filling as a cheaper alternative to reading comprehension questionnaires when evaluating machine translation for gisting

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    A popular application of machine translation (MT) is gisting: MT is consumed as is to make sense of text in a foreign language. Evaluation of the usefulness of MT for gisting is surprisingly uncommon. The classical method uses reading comprehension questionnaires (RCQ), in which informants are asked to answer professionally-written questions in their language about a foreign text that has been machine-translated into their language. Recently, gap-filling (GF), a form of cloze testing, has been proposed as a cheaper alternative to RCQ. In GF, certain words are removed from reference translations and readers are asked to fill the gaps left using the machine-translated text as a hint. This paper reports, for thefirst time, a comparative evaluation, using both RCQ and GF, of translations from multiple MT systems for the same foreign texts, and a systematic study on the effect of variables such as gap density, gap-selection strategies, and document context in GF. The main findings of the study are: (a) both RCQ and GF clearly identify MT to be useful, (b) global RCQ and GF rankings for the MT systems are mostly in agreement, (c) GF scores vary very widely across informants, making comparisons among MT systems hard, and (d) unlike RCQ, which is framed around documents, GF evaluation can be framed at the sentence level. These findings support the use of GF as a cheaper alternative to RCQ

    Evaluación de la traducción automática para la asimilación

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    Este trabajo está orientado hacia la elaboración de una metodología de evaluación de la traducción automática para la asimilación, con el fin de analizar los resultados que ofrecen los sistemas de Google Translate y Systran para el par de lenguas francés-español. Además, se define qué es la traducción automática y se ofrece una breve descripción de su historia, se comentan los tipos de sistemas de traducción automática según la técnica que aplican en su funcionamiento y se discuten las dos aplicaciones principales de la traducción automática. Finalmente, se presentan algunas propuestas de evaluación anteriores y se discuten los resultados obtenidos tras la aplicación de nuestro método de evaluación

    Document-Level Machine Translation Quality Estimation

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    Assessing Machine Translation (MT) quality at document level is a challenge as metrics need to account for many linguistic phenomena on different levels. Large units of text encompass different linguistic phenomena and, as a consequence, a machine translated document can have different problems. It is hard for humans to evaluate documents regarding document-wide phenomena (e.g. coherence) as they get easily distracted by problems at other levels (e.g. grammar). Although standard automatic evaluation metrics (e.g. BLEU) are often used for this purpose, they focus on n-grams matches and often disregard document-wide information. Therefore, although such metrics are useful to compare different MT systems, they may not reflect nuances of quality in individual documents. Machine translated documents can also be evaluated according to the task they will be used for. Methods based on measuring the distance between machine translations and post-edited machine translations are widely used for task-based purposes. Another task-based method is to use reading comprehension questions about the machine translated document, as a proxy of the document quality. Quality Estimation (QE) is an evaluation approach that attempts to predict MT outputs quality, using trained Machine Learning (ML) models. This method is robust because it can consider any type of quality assessment for building the QE models. Thus far, for document-level QE, BLEU-style metrics were used as quality labels, leading to unreliable predictions, as document information is neglected. Challenges of document-level QE encompass the choice of adequate labels for the task, the use of appropriate features for the task and the study of appropriate ML models. In this thesis we focus on feature engineering, the design of quality labels and the use of ML methods for document-level QE. Our new features can be classified as document-wide (use shallow document information), discourse-aware (use information about discourse structures) and consensus-based (use other machine translations as pseudo-references). New labels are proposed in order to overcome the lack of reliable labels for document-level QE. Two different approaches are proposed: one aimed at MT for assimilation with a low requirement, and another aimed at MT for dissemination with a high quality requirement. The assimilation labels use reading comprehension questions as a proxy of document quality. The dissemination approach uses a two-stage post-editing method to derive the quality labels. Different ML techniques are also explored for the document-level QE task, including the appropriate use of regression or classification and the study of kernel combination to deal with features of different nature (e.g. handcrafted features versus consensus features). We show that, in general, QE models predicting our new labels and using our discourse-aware features are more successful than models predicting automatic evaluation metrics. Regarding ML techniques, no conclusions could be drawn, given that different models performed similarly throughout the different experiments

    Quiz-Based Evaluation of Machine Translation

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    This paper proposes a new method of manual evaluation for statistical machine translation, the so-called quiz-based evaluation, estimating whether people are able to extract information from machine-translated texts reliably. We apply the method to two commercial and two experimental MT systems that participated in WMT 2010 in English-to-Czech translation. We report inter-annotator agreement for the evaluation as well as the outcomes of the individual systems. The quiz-based evaluation suggests rather different ranking of the systems compared to the WMT 2010 manual and automatic metrics. We also see that overall, MT quality is becoming acceptable for obtaining information from the text: about 80 % of questions can be answered correctly given only machine-translated text. 1