1 research outputs found

    Query-driven Frequent Co-occurring Term Extraction over Relational Data using MapReduce

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    In this paper we study how to efficiently compute \textit{frequent co-occurring terms} (FCT) in the results of a keyword query in parallel using the popular MapReduce framework. Taking as input a keyword query q and an integer k, an FCT query reports the k terms that are not in q, but appear most frequently in the results of the keyword query q over multiple joined relations. The returned terms of FCT search can be used to do query expansion and query refinement for traditional keyword search. Different from the method of FCT search in a single platform, our proposed approach can efficiently answer a FCT query using the MapReduce Paradigm without pre-computing the results of the original keyword query, which is run in parallel platform. In this work, we can output the final FCT search results by two MapReduce jobs: the first is to extract the statistical information of the data; and the second is to calculate the total frequency of each term based on the output of the first job. At the two MapReduce jobs, we would guarantee the load balance of mappers and the computational balance of reducers as much as possible. Analytical and experimental evaluations demonstrate the efficiency and scalability of our proposed approach using TPC-H benchmark datasets with different sizes