3,533 research outputs found

    Sampling-Based Query Re-Optimization

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    Despite of decades of work, query optimizers still make mistakes on "difficult" queries because of bad cardinality estimates, often due to the interaction of multiple predicates and correlations in the data. In this paper, we propose a low-cost post-processing step that can take a plan produced by the optimizer, detect when it is likely to have made such a mistake, and take steps to fix it. Specifically, our solution is a sampling-based iterative procedure that requires almost no changes to the original query optimizer or query evaluation mechanism of the system. We show that this indeed imposes low overhead and catches cases where three widely used optimizers (PostgreSQL and two commercial systems) make large errors.Comment: This is the extended version of a paper with the same title and authors that appears in the Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD 2016

    How Good Are Query Optimizers, Really?

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    Finding a good join order is crucial for query performance. In this paper, we introduce the Join Order Benchmark (JOB) and experimentally revisi

    BlinkML: Efficient Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Probabilistic Guarantees

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    The rising volume of datasets has made training machine learning (ML) models a major computational cost in the enterprise. Given the iterative nature of model and parameter tuning, many analysts use a small sample of their entire data during their initial stage of analysis to make quick decisions (e.g., what features or hyperparameters to use) and use the entire dataset only in later stages (i.e., when they have converged to a specific model). This sampling, however, is performed in an ad-hoc fashion. Most practitioners cannot precisely capture the effect of sampling on the quality of their model, and eventually on their decision-making process during the tuning phase. Moreover, without systematic support for sampling operators, many optimizations and reuse opportunities are lost. In this paper, we introduce BlinkML, a system for fast, quality-guaranteed ML training. BlinkML allows users to make error-computation tradeoffs: instead of training a model on their full data (i.e., full model), BlinkML can quickly train an approximate model with quality guarantees using a sample. The quality guarantees ensure that, with high probability, the approximate model makes the same predictions as the full model. BlinkML currently supports any ML model that relies on maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), which includes Generalized Linear Models (e.g., linear regression, logistic regression, max entropy classifier, Poisson regression) as well as PPCA (Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis). Our experiments show that BlinkML can speed up the training of large-scale ML tasks by 6.26x-629x while guaranteeing the same predictions, with 95% probability, as the full model.Comment: 22 pages, SIGMOD 201

    Accurate sampling-based cardinality estimation for complex graph queries

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    Accurately estimating the cardinality (i.e., the number of answers) of complex queries plays a central role in database systems. This problem is particularly difficult in graph databases, where queries often involve a large number of joins and self-joins. Recently, Park et al. [54] surveyed seven state-of-the-art cardinality estimation approaches for graph queries. The results of their extensive empirical evaluation show that a sampling method based on the WanderJoin online aggregation algorithm [46] consistently offers superior accuracy. We extended the framework by Park et al. [54] with three additional datasets and repeated their experiments. Our results showed that WanderJoin is indeed very accurate, but it can often take a large number of samples and thus be very slow. Moreover, when queries are complex and data distributions are skewed, it often fails to find valid samples and estimates the cardinality as zero. Finally, complex graph queries often go beyond simple graph matching and involve arbitrary nesting of relational operators such as disjunction, difference, and duplicate elimination. Neither of the methods considered by Park et al. [54] is applicable to such queries. In this paper we present a novel approach for estimating the cardinality of complex graph queries. Our approach is inspired by WanderJoin, but, unlike all approaches known to us, it can process complex queries with arbitrary operator nesting. Our estimator is strongly consistent, meaning that the average of repeated estimates converges with probability one to the actual cardinality. We present optimisations of the basic algorithm that aim to reduce the chance of producing zero estimates and improve accuracy. We show empirically that our approach is both accurate and quick on complex queries and large datasets. Finally, we discuss how to integrate our approach into a simple dynamic programming query planner, and we confirm empirically that our planner produces high-quality plans that can significantly reduce end-to-end query evaluation times
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