6 research outputs found

    Local (T)HB-spline projectors via restricted hierarchical spline fitting

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    International audienceThis paper is devoted to techniques for adaptive spline projection via quasi-interpolation, enabling the efficient approximation of given functions. We employ local least-squares fitting in restricted hierarchical spline spaces to establish novel projection operators for hierarchical splines of degree p. This leads to efficient spline projectors that require O(p d) floating point operations and O(1) evaluations of the given function per degree of freedom, while providing essentially the same accuracy as global approximation. Our spline projectors are based on a unifying framework for quasi-interpolation in hierarchical spline spaces. We present a detailed comparison with the scheme of Speleers and Manni (2016)

    Quasi-interpolants Based Multilevel B-Spline Surface Reconstruction from Scattered Data ⋆

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    Abstract. This paper presents a new fast and local method of 3D surface reconstruction for scattered data. The algorithm makes use of quasiinterpolants to compute the control points from a coarse to fine hierarchy to generate a sequence of bicubic B-spline functions whose sum approaches to the desired interpolation function. Quasi-interpolants gives a procedure for deriving local spline approximation methods where a Bspline coefficient only depends on data points taken from the neighborhood of the support corresponding B-spline. Experimental results demonstrate that high-fidelity reconstruction is possible from a selected set of irregular samples.

    Reconstrução de superfícies 3D por aproximação multiquádrica

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    O progresso nas mais vastas áreas de tecnologia tem crescido intensamente nos últimos anos. Áreas como a aeronáutica, a meteorologia, a modelação geológica, a geologia, os padrões climáticos, os espectros estelares, ou distribuições de genes humanos, confrontam-se regularmente com problemas de reconstrução de superfícies nas mais variadas aplicações. Os dados numéricos reais são usualmente difíceis de analisar. Qualquer função que efectivamente correlacione os dados reais é difícil de obter e de difícil interacção. Existem muitos métodos para reconstruir a superfície contínua a partir de dados dispersos ou regularmente espaçados no domínio. Nesta dissertação, a ideia da teoria básica de aproximação multiquádrica de Hardy para reconstrução de superfícies foi desenvolvida para aproximar um determinado conjunto de dados. Este método faz parte de uma classe de métodos conhecidos como métodos de funções de base radial, e mostramos a sua superioridade em termos de precisão e suavidade pretendidas, ainda como a redução do número total de dados necessários para a reconstrução da superfície. Os exemplos de aplicação nesta dissertação são para elevação digital do terreno (DEM), reconstrução de superfícies 3D, mas este método é facilmente estendido para outras áreas em qualquer dimensão. Discutimos a sua implementação, o seu desempenho e providenciamos simulações numéricas.Progress in the wider areas of technology has grown strongly in recent years. Areas such as aeronautics, meteorology, geological modeling, geology, climate patterns, stellar spectra, or human gene distributions, are regularly confronted with problems of surface reconstruction in various applications. The real numerical data is usually difficult to analyze. Any function that effectively correlate the actual data is difficult to obtain and of difficult interaction. There are many methods to reconstruct a continuous surface from scattered data or regularly spaced in the domain. In this thesis, the idea of the basic theory of Hardy multiquadric approach to surface reconstruction has been developed to approximate a given data set. This method is part of a class of methods known as methods of radial basis functions and we show its superiority in terms of accuracy and smoothness desired, and even with the reduced total number of data needed for reconstruction of the surface. The applications examples in this thesis are to digital terrain elevation (DEM), 3D surface reconstruction, but this method is easily extended to other areas in any dimension. We discuss its implementation, its performance and provide numerical simulations