14 research outputs found

    Inconclusive quantum measurements and decisions under uncertainty

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    We give a mathematical definition for the notion of inconclusive quantum measurements. In physics, such measurements occur at intermediate stages of a complex measurement procedure, with the final measurement result being operationally testable. Since the mathematical structure of Quantum Decision Theory has been developed in analogy with the theory of quantum measurements, the inconclusive quantum measurements correspond, in Quantum Decision Theory, to intermediate stages of decision making in the process of taking decisions under uncertainty. The general form of the quantum probability for a composite event is the sum of a utility factor, describing a rational evaluation of the considered prospect, and of an attraction factor, characterizing irrational, subconscious attitudes of the decision maker. Despite the involved irrationality, the probability of prospects can be evaluated. This is equivalent to the possibility of calculating quantum probabilities without specifying hidden variables. We formulate a general way of evaluation, based on the use of non-informative priors. As an example, we suggest the explanation of the decoy effect. Our quantitative predictions are in very good agreement with experimental data.Comment: Latex file, 16 page

    Quantum Probabilities as Behavioral Probabilities

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    We demonstrate that behavioral probabilities of human decision makers share many common features with quantum probabilities. This does not imply that humans are some quantum objects, but just shows that the mathematics of quantum theory is applicable to the description of human decision making. The applicability of quantum rules for describing decision making is connected with the nontrivial process of making decisions in the case of composite prospects under uncertainty. Such a process involves deliberations of a decision maker when making a choice. In addition to the evaluation of the utilities of considered prospects, real decision makers also appreciate their respective attractiveness. Therefore, human choice is not based solely on the utility of prospects, but includes the necessity of resolving the utility-attraction duality. In order to justify that human consciousness really functions similarly to the rules of quantum theory, we develop an approach defining human behavioral probabilities as the probabilities determined by quantum rules. We show that quantum behavioral probabilities of humans not merely explain qualitatively how human decisions are made, but they predict quantitative values of the behavioral probabilities. Analyzing a large set of empirical data, we find good quantitative agreement between theoretical predictions and observed experimental data.Comment: Latex file, 32 page

    Quantum Probability Theoretic Asset Return Modeling: A Novel Schr\"odinger-Like Trading Equation and Multimodal Distribution

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    Quantum theory provides a comprehensive framework for quantifying uncertainty, often applied in quantum finance to explore the stochastic nature of asset returns. This perspective likens returns to microscopic particle motion, governed by quantum probabilities akin to physical laws. However, such approaches presuppose specific microscopic quantum effects in return changes, a premise criticized for lack of guarantee. This paper diverges by asserting that quantum probability is a mathematical extension of classical probability to complex numbers. It isn't exclusively tied to microscopic quantum phenomena, bypassing the need for quantum effects in returns.By directly linking quantum probability's mathematical structure to traders' decisions and market behaviors, it avoids assuming quantum effects for returns and invoking the wave function. The complex phase of quantum probability, capturing transitions between long and short decisions while considering information interaction among traders, offers an inherent advantage over classical probability in characterizing the multimodal distribution of asset returns.Utilizing Fourier decomposition, we derive a Schr\"odinger-like trading equation, where each term explicitly corresponds to implications of market trading. The equation indicates discrete energy levels in financial trading, with returns following a normal distribution at the lowest level. As the market transitions to higher trading levels, a phase shift occurs in the return distribution, leading to multimodality and fat tails. Empirical research on the Chinese stock market supports the existence of energy levels and multimodal distributions derived from this quantum probability asset returns model

    Order indices and entanglement production in quantum systems

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    The review is devoted to two important quantities characterizing many-body systems, order indices and the measure of entanglement production. Order indices describe the type of order distinguishing statistical systems. Contrary to the order parameters characterizing systems in the thermodynamic limit and describing long-range order, the order indices are applicable to finite systems and classify all types of orders, including long-range, mid-range, and short-range orders. The measure of entanglement production quantifies the amount of entanglement produced in a many-partite system by a quantum operation. Despite that the notions of order indices and entanglement production seem to be quite different, there is an intimate relation between them, which is emphasized in the review.Comment: Latex file, 41 pages, no figure

    Evolutionary Processes in Quantum Decision Theory

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    The review presents the basics of quantum decision theory, with the emphasis on temporary processes in decision making. The aim is to explain the principal points of the theory. The difference of an operationally testable rational choice between alternatives from a choice decorated by irrational feelings is elucidated. Quantum-classical correspondence is emphasized. A model of quantum intelligence network is described. Dynamic inconsistencies are shown to be resolved in the frame of the quantum decision theory.Comment: Latex file, 39 page

    A Survey of Quantum-Cognitively Inspired Sentiment Analysis Models

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    Quantum theory, originally proposed as a physical theory to describe the motions of microscopic particles, has been applied to various non-physics domains involving human cognition and decision-making that are inherently uncertain and exhibit certain non-classical, quantum-like characteristics. Sentiment analysis is a typical example of such domains. In the last few years, by leveraging the modeling power of quantum probability (a non-classical probability stemming from quantum mechanics methodology) and deep neural networks, a range of novel quantum-cognitively inspired models for sentiment analysis have emerged and performed well. This survey presents a timely overview of the latest developments in this fascinating cross-disciplinary area. We first provide a background of quantum probability and quantum cognition at a theoretical level, analyzing their advantages over classical theories in modeling the cognitive aspects of sentiment analysis. Then, recent quantum-cognitively inspired models are introduced and discussed in detail, focusing on how they approach the key challenges of the sentiment analysis task. Finally, we discuss the limitations of the current research and highlight future research directions