124 research outputs found

    Asymmetric Quantum Dialogue in Noisy Environment

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    A notion of asymmetric quantum dialogue (AQD) is introduced. Conventional protocols of quantum dialogue are essentially symmetric as both the users (Alice and Bob) can encode the same amount of classical information. In contrast, the scheme for AQD introduced here provides different amount of communication powers to Alice and Bob. The proposed scheme, offers an architecture, where the entangled state and the encoding scheme to be shared between Alice and Bob depends on the amount of classical information they want to exchange with each other. The general structure for the AQD scheme has been obtained using a group theoretic structure of the operators introduced in (Shukla et al., Phys. Lett. A, 377 (2013) 518). The effect of different types of noises (e.g., amplitude damping and phase damping noise) on the proposed scheme is investigated, and it is shown that the proposed AQD is robust and uses optimized amount of quantum resources.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum e-commerce: A comparative study of possible protocols for online shopping and other tasks related to e-commerce

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    A set of quantum protocols for online shopping is proposed and analyzed to establish that it is possible to perform secure online shopping using different types of quantum resources. Specifically, a single photon based, a Bell state based and two 3-qubit entangled state based quantum online shopping schemes are proposed. The Bell state based scheme, being a completely orthogonal state based protocol, is fundamentally different from the earlier proposed schemes which were based on conjugate coding. One of the 3-qubit entangled state based scheme is build on the principle of entanglement swapping which enables us to accomplish the task without transmission of the message encoded qubits through the channel. Possible ways of generalizing the entangled state based schemes proposed here to the schemes which use multiqubit entangled states is also discussed. Further, all the proposed protocols are shown to be free from the limitations of the recently proposed protocol of Huang et al. (Quantum Inf. Process. 14, 2211-2225, 2015) which allows the buyer (Alice) to change her order at a later time (after initially placing the order and getting it authenticated by the controller). The proposed schemes are also compared with the existing schemes using qubit efficiency.Comment: It's shown that quantum e-commerce is not a difficult task, and it can be done in various way

    Quantum Conference

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    A notion of quantum conference is introduced in analogy with the usual notion of a conference that happens frequently in today's world. Quantum conference is defined as a multiparty secure communication task that allows each party to communicate their messages simultaneously to all other parties in a secure manner using quantum resources. Two efficient and secure protocols for quantum conference have been proposed. The security and efficiency of the proposed protocols have been analyzed critically. It is shown that the proposed protocols can be realized using a large number of entangled states and group of operators. Further, it is shown that the proposed schemes can be easily reduced to protocol for multiparty quantum key distribution and some earlier proposed schemes of quantum conference, where the notion of quantum conference was different.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figur

    Quantum cryptography: key distribution and beyond

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    Uniquely among the sciences, quantum cryptography has driven both foundational research as well as practical real-life applications. We review the progress of quantum cryptography in the last decade, covering quantum key distribution and other applications.Comment: It's a review on quantum cryptography and it is not restricted to QK

    Semi-quantum communication: Protocols for key agreement, controlled secure direct communication and dialogue

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    Semi-quantum protocols that allow some of the users to remain classical are proposed for a large class of problems associated with secure communication and secure multiparty computation. Specifically, first time semi-quantum protocols are proposed for key agreement, controlled deterministic secure communication and dialogue, and it is shown that the semi-quantum protocols for controlled deterministic secure communication and dialogue can be reduced to semi-quantum protocols for e-commerce and private comparison (socialist millionaire problem), respectively. Complementing with the earlier proposed semi-quantum schemes for key distribution, secret sharing and deterministic secure communication, set of schemes proposed here and subsequent discussions have established that almost every secure communication and computation tasks that can be performed using fully quantum protocols can also be performed in semi-quantum manner. Further, it addresses a fundamental question in context of a large number problems- how much quantumness is (how many quantum parties are) required to perform a specific secure communication task? Some of the proposed schemes are completely orthogonal-state-based, and thus, fundamentally different from the existing semi-quantum schemes that are conjugate-coding-based. Security, efficiency and applicability of the proposed schemes have been discussed with appropriate importance.Comment: 19 pages 1 figur

    Multiparty semiquantum secret sharing based on d-dimensional single-particle states

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    In this paper, a multiparty semiquantum secret sharing (MSQSS) protocol based on d-dimensional single-particle states is put forward, where the secret key from the sender can be shared among different receivers in such a way that only all receivers cooperate together can they reveal it. This protocol transmits the single particles in a tree-type way. Detailed security analysis turns out that this protocol can successfully resist the outside attack and the participant attack. The protocol has some strengths: (1) it is suitable for the d-dimensional system; (2) it uses d-dimensional single-particle states rather than d-dimensional quantum entangled states as initial quantum resource; (3) it doesn't employ quantum entanglement swapping or unitary operations.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl
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