4,050 research outputs found

    Quantum algorithms for graph problems with cut queries

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    Let G be an n-vertex graph with m edges. When asked a subset S of vertices, a cut query on G returns the number of edges of G that have exactly one endpoint in S. We show that there is a bounded-error quantum algorithm that determines all connected components of G after making O(log(n)6) many cut queries. In contrast, it follows from results in communication complexity that any randomized algorithm even just to decide whether the graph is connected or not must make at least Ω(n/log(n)) many cut queries. We further show that with O(log(n)8) many cut queries a quantum algorithm can with high probability output a spanning forest for G. En route to proving these results, we design quantum algorithms for learning a graph using cut queries. We show that a quantum algorithm can learn a graph with maximum degree d after O(dlog(n)2) many cut queries, and can learn a general graph with O(√mlog(n)3/2) many cut queries. These two upper bounds are tight up to the poly-logarithmic factors, and compare to Ω(dn) and Ω(m/log(n)) lower bounds on the number of cut queries needed by a randomized algorithm for the same problems, respectively. The key ingredients in our results are the Bernstein-Vazirani algorithm, approximate counting with “OR queries”, and learning sparse vectors from inner products as in compressed sensing

    Quantum SDP-Solvers: Better upper and lower bounds

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    Brand\~ao and Svore very recently gave quantum algorithms for approximately solving semidefinite programs, which in some regimes are faster than the best-possible classical algorithms in terms of the dimension nn of the problem and the number mm of constraints, but worse in terms of various other parameters. In this paper we improve their algorithms in several ways, getting better dependence on those other parameters. To this end we develop new techniques for quantum algorithms, for instance a general way to efficiently implement smooth functions of sparse Hamiltonians, and a generalized minimum-finding procedure. We also show limits on this approach to quantum SDP-solvers, for instance for combinatorial optimizations problems that have a lot of symmetry. Finally, we prove some general lower bounds showing that in the worst case, the complexity of every quantum LP-solver (and hence also SDP-solver) has to scale linearly with mnmn when m≈nm\approx n, which is the same as classical.Comment: v4: 69 pages, small corrections and clarifications. This version will appear in Quantu

    Quantum Speedup for Graph Sparsification, Cut Approximation and Laplacian Solving

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    Graph sparsification underlies a large number of algorithms, ranging from approximation algorithms for cut problems to solvers for linear systems in the graph Laplacian. In its strongest form, "spectral sparsification" reduces the number of edges to near-linear in the number of nodes, while approximately preserving the cut and spectral structure of the graph. In this work we demonstrate a polynomial quantum speedup for spectral sparsification and many of its applications. In particular, we give a quantum algorithm that, given a weighted graph with nn nodes and mm edges, outputs a classical description of an Ï”\epsilon-spectral sparsifier in sublinear time O~(mn/Ï”)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{mn}/\epsilon). This contrasts with the optimal classical complexity O~(m)\tilde{O}(m). We also prove that our quantum algorithm is optimal up to polylog-factors. The algorithm builds on a string of existing results on sparsification, graph spanners, quantum algorithms for shortest paths, and efficient constructions for kk-wise independent random strings. Our algorithm implies a quantum speedup for solving Laplacian systems and for approximating a range of cut problems such as min cut and sparsest cut.Comment: v2: several small improvements to the text. An extended abstract will appear in FOCS'20; v3: corrected a minor mistake in Appendix
