5 research outputs found

    Quantum Secure Communication Network Protocol with Entangled Photons for Mobile Communications

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    [[abstract]]本研究在此提出了一個具控制者的雙向量子直接通訊協定,並應用於行動裝置網路。在行動裝置網路中,電信業者需要輔助並且確保通訊雙方都能藉由量子傳輸同時接收到對方的秘密訊息。本協定使用n個粒子糾纏的方式(稱為GreenBerger-Horne-Zeilinger, GHZ),以及貝爾測量所導致的量子糾纏交換等特性來實現。利用分配下去的GHZ糾纏態來攜帶雙方的秘密訊息,並且利用糾纏交換的特性來減少傳輸的次數,此做法能大大減少被竊聽的可能性。若竊聽發生,利用量子的物理特性,參與者們可以偵測出來,並且捨棄掉該次傳輸。[[abstract]]We propose a communication protocol called Controlled Bidirectional Quantum Secret Direct Communication (CBQSDC) for mobile networks. In mobile networks, telecom companies assist the agent ensuring both sides could receive the other’s secret messages in the transmission by quantum theory simultaneously. This protocol is based on n-particle GHZ states (Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger-states) which are transformed to Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) pairs by entanglement swapping. GHZ states are used to carry both sides’ messages and entanglement swapping could reduce the number of transmission, so we could decrease the probability of eavesdropping. If any eavesdropper tries to steal dealer’s messages, the lawful participants will perceive it and abort their transmission.[[note]]碩

    Quantum Secure Communication Network Protocol with Entangled Photons for Mobile Communications

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    [[abstract]]In this paper, we propose a communication protocol called Controlled Bidirectional Quantum Secret Direct Communication (CBQSDC) for mobile networks. In mobile networks, telecom companies assist the agent ensuring both sides could receive the other's secret messages in the transmission by quantum theory simultaneously. This protocol is based on n-particle GHZ states (Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger-states) which are transformed to Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) pairs by entanglement swapping. GHZ states are used to carry both sides' messages and entanglement swapping could reduce the number of transmission, so we could decrease the probability of eavesdropping. If any eavesdropper tries to steal dealer's messages, the lawful participants will perceive it and abort their transmission.[[note]]SC

    Quantum Secure Communication Network Protocol with Entangled Photons for Mobile Communications

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    [[abstract]]In this paper, we propose a communication protocol called Controlled Bidirectional Quantum Secret Direct Communication (CBQSDC) for mobile networks. In mobile networks, telecom companies assist the agent ensuring both sides could receive the other's secret messages in the transmission by quantum theory simultaneously. This protocol is based on n-particle GHZ states (Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger-states) which are transformed to Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) pairs by entanglement swapping. GHZ states are used to carry both sides' messages and entanglement swapping could reduce the number of transmission, so we could decrease the probability of eavesdropping. If any eavesdropper tries to steal dealer's messages, the lawful participants will perceive it and abort their transmission.[[note]]SC

    Quantum Secure Communication Network Protocol with Entangled Photons for Mobile Communications

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    [[abstract]]In this paper, we propose a communication protocol called Controlled Bidirectional Quantum Secret Direct Communication (CBQSDC) for mobile networks. In mobile networks, telecom companies assist the agent ensuring both sides could receive the other's secret messages in the transmission by quantum theory simultaneously. This protocol is based on n-particle GHZ states (Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger-states) which are transformed to Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) pairs by entanglement swapping. GHZ states are used to carry both sides' messages and entanglement swapping could reduce the number of transmission, so we could decrease the probability of eavesdropping. If any eavesdropper tries to steal dealer's messages, the lawful participants will perceive it and abort their transmission.[[note]]SC