5 research outputs found

    Transition Probabilities in Generalized Quantum Search Hamiltonian Evolutions

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    A relevant problem in quantum computing concerns how fast a source state can be driven into a target state according to Schr\"odinger's quantum mechanical evolution specified by a suitable driving Hamiltonian. In this paper, we study in detail the computational aspects necessary to calculate the transition probability from a source state to a target state in a continuous time quantum search problem defined by a multi-parameter generalized time-independent Hamiltonian. In particular, quantifying the performance of a quantum search in terms of speed (minimum search time) and fidelity (maximum success probability), we consider a variety of special cases that emerge from the generalized Hamiltonian. In the context of optimal quantum search, we find it is possible to outperform, in terms of minimum search time, the well-known Farhi-Gutmann analog quantum search algorithm. In the context of nearly optimal quantum search, instead, we show it is possible to identify sub-optimal search algorithms capable of outperforming optimal search algorithms if only a sufficiently high success probability is sought. Finally, we briefly discuss the relevance of a tradeoff between speed and fidelity with emphasis on issues of both theoretical and practical importance to quantum information processing.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables. Online ready in Int. J. Geometric Methods in Modern Physics (2020

    Poly-Logarithmic Side Channel Rank Estimation via Exponential Sampling

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    Rank estimation is an important tool for a side-channel evaluations laboratories. It allows estimating the remaining security after an attack has been performed, quantified as the time complexity and the memory consumption required to brute force the key given the leakages as probability distributions over dd subkeys (usually key bytes). These estimations are particularly useful where the key is not reachable with exhaustive search. We propose ESrank, the first rank estimation algorithm that enjoys provable poly-logarithmic time- and space-complexity, which also achieves excellent practical performance. Our main idea is to use exponential sampling to drastically reduce the algorithm\u27s complexity. Importantly, ESrank is simple to build from scratch, and requires no algorithmic tools beyond a sorting function. After rigorously bounding the accuracy, time and space complexities, we evaluated the performance of ESrank on a real SCA data corpus, and compared it to the currently-best histogram-based algorithm. We show that ESrank gives excellent rank estimation (with roughly a 1-bit margin between lower and upper bounds), with a performance that is on-par with the Histogram algorithm: a run-time of under 1 second on a standard laptop using 6.5 MB RAM

    Rank Estimation with Bounded Error via Exponential Sampling

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    Efficient rank estimation algorithms are of prime interest in security evaluation against side-channel attacks (SCA) and recently also for password strength estimators. In a side channel setting it allows estimating the remaining security after an attack has been performed, quantified as the time complexity and the memory consumption required to brute force the key given the leakages as probability distributions over dd subkeys (usually key bytes). In password strength estimators the rank estimation allows estimating how many attempts a password cracker would need until it finds a given password. We propose ESrank, the first rank estimation algorithm with a bounded error ratio: its error ratio is bounded by γ2d2\gamma^{2d-2}, for any probability distribution, where dd is the number of subkey dimensions and γ>1\gamma>1 can be chosen according to the desired accuracy. ESrank is also the first rank estimation algorithm that enjoys provable poly-logarithmic time- and space-complexity. Our main idea is to use exponential sampling to drastically reduce the algorithm\u27s complexity. We evaluated the performance of ESrank on real SCA and password strength corpora. We show ESrank gives excellent rank estimation with roughly a 1-bit margin between lower and upper bounds in less than 1 second on the SCA corpus and 4 seconds preprocessing time and 7μ\musec lookup time on the password strength corpus

    Algorithmes quantiques pour la cryptanalyse et cryptographie symétrique post-quantique

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    Modern cryptography relies on the notion of computational security. The level of security given by a cryptosystem is expressed as an amount of computational resources required to break it. The goal of cryptanalysis is to find attacks, that is, algorithms with lower complexities than the conjectural bounds.With the advent of quantum computing devices, these levels of security have to be updated to take a whole new notion of algorithms into account. At the same time, cryptography is becoming widely used in small devices (smart cards, sensors), with new cost constraints.In this thesis, we study the security of secret-key cryptosystems against quantum adversaries.We first build new quantum algorithms for k-list (k-XOR or k-SUM) problems, by composing exhaustive search procedures. Next, we present dedicated cryptanalysis results, starting with a new quantum cryptanalysis tool, the offline Simon's algorithm. We describe new attacks against the lightweight algorithms Spook and Gimli and we perform the first quantum security analysis of the standard cipher AES.Finally, we specify Saturnin, a family of lightweight cryptosystems oriented towards post-quantum security. Thanks to a very similar structure, its security relies largely on the analysis of AES.La cryptographie moderne est fondée sur la notion de sécurité computationnelle. Les niveaux de sécurité attendus des cryptosystèmes sont exprimés en nombre d'opérations ; une attaque est un algorithme d'une complexité inférieure à la borne attendue. Mais ces niveaux de sécurité doivent aujourd'hui prendre en compte une nouvelle notion d'algorithme : le paradigme du calcul quantique. Dans le même temps,la délégation grandissante du chiffrement à des puces RFID, objets connectés ou matériels embarqués pose de nouvelles contraintes de coût.Dans cette thèse, nous étudions la sécurité des cryptosystèmes à clé secrète face à un adversaire quantique.Nous introduisons tout d'abord de nouveaux algorithmes quantiques pour les problèmes génériques de k-listes (k-XOR ou k-SUM), construits en composant des procédures de recherche exhaustive.Nous présentons ensuite des résultats de cryptanalyse dédiée, en commençant par un nouvel outil de cryptanalyse quantique, l'algorithme de Simon hors-ligne. Nous décrivons de nouvelles attaques contre les algorithmes Spook et Gimli et nous effectuons la première étude de sécurité quantique du chiffrement AES. Dans un troisième temps, nous spécifions Saturnin, une famille de cryptosystèmes à bas coût orientés vers la sécurité post-quantique. La structure de Saturnin est proche de celle de l'AES et sa sécurité en tire largement parti

    Quantum Key Search with Side Channel Advice

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    Recently, a number of results have been published that show how to combine classical cryptanalysis with quantum algorithms, thereby (potentially) achieving considerable speed-ups. We follow this trend but add a novel twist by considering how to utilise side channel leakage in a quantum setting. This is non-trivial because Grover’s algorithm deals with unstructured data, however we are interested in searching through a key space which has structure due to the side channel information. We present a novel variation of a key enumeration algorithm that produces batches of keys that can be efficiently tested using Grover’s algorithm. This results in the first quantum key search that benefits from side channel information.</p