42 research outputs found

    Data-Driven Power Control for State Estimation: A Bayesian Inference Approach

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    We consider sensor transmission power control for state estimation, using a Bayesian inference approach. A sensor node sends its local state estimate to a remote estimator over an unreliable wireless communication channel with random data packet drops. As related to packet dropout rate, transmission power is chosen by the sensor based on the relative importance of the local state estimate. The proposed power controller is proved to preserve Gaussianity of local estimate innovation, which enables us to obtain a closed-form solution of the expected state estimation error covariance. Comparisons with alternative non data-driven controllers demonstrate performance improvement using our approach

    Trading off Complexity With Communication Costs in Distributed Adaptive Learning via Krylov Subspaces for Dimensionality Reduction

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    In this paper, the problemof dimensionality reduction in adaptive distributed learning is studied. We consider a network obeying the ad-hoc topology, in which the nodes sense an amount of data and cooperate with each other, by exchanging information, in order to estimate an unknown, common, parameter vector. The algorithm, to be presented here, follows the set-theoretic estimation rationale; i.e., at each time instant and at each node of the network, a closed convex set is constructed based on the received measurements, and this defines the region in which the solution is searched for. In this paper, these closed convex sets, known as property sets, take the form of hyperslabs. Moreover, in order to reduce the number of transmitted coefficients, which is dictated by the dimension of the unknown vector, we seek for possible solutions in a subspace of lower dimension; the technique will be developed around the Krylov subspace rationale. Our goal is to find a point that belongs to the intersection of this infinite number of hyperslabs and the respective Krylov subspaces. This is achieved via a sequence of projections onto the property sets and the Krylov subspaces. The case of highly correlated inputs that degrades the performance of the algorithm is also considered. This is overcome via a transformation whichwhitens the input. The proposed schemes are brought in a decentralized form by adopting the combine-adapt cooperation strategy among the nodes. Full convergence analysis is carried out and numerical tests verify the validity of the proposed schemes in different scenarios in the context of the adaptive distributed system identification task

    On the genericity properties in networked estimation: Topology design and sensor placement

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    In this paper, we consider networked estimation of linear, discrete-time dynamical systems monitored by a network of agents. In order to minimize the power requirement at the (possibly, battery-operated) agents, we require that the agents can exchange information with their neighbors only \emph{once per dynamical system time-step}; in contrast to consensus-based estimation where the agents exchange information until they reach a consensus. It can be verified that with this restriction on information exchange, measurement fusion alone results in an unbounded estimation error at every such agent that does not have an observable set of measurements in its neighborhood. To over come this challenge, state-estimate fusion has been proposed to recover the system observability. However, we show that adding state-estimate fusion may not recover observability when the system matrix is structured-rank (SS-rank) deficient. In this context, we characterize the state-estimate fusion and measurement fusion under both full SS-rank and SS-rank deficient system matrices.Comment: submitted for IEEE journal publicatio

    Multi-sensor linear state estimation under high rate quantization

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    In this paper we consider state estimation of a discrete time linear system using multiple sensors, where the sensors quantize their individual innovations, which are then combined at the fusion center to form a global state estimate. We obtain an asymptotic approximation for the error covariance matrix that relates the system parameters and quantization levels used by the different sensors. Numerical results show close agreement with the true error covariance for quantization at high rates. An optimal rate allocation problem amongst the different sensors is also considered

    A Nonstochastic Information Theory for Communication and State Estimation

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    In communications, unknown variables are usually modelled as random variables, and concepts such as independence, entropy and information are defined in terms of the underlying probability distributions. In contrast, control theory often treats uncertainties and disturbances as bounded unknowns having no statistical structure. The area of networked control combines both fields, raising the question of whether it is possible to construct meaningful analogues of stochastic concepts such as independence, Markovness, entropy and information without assuming a probability space. This paper introduces a framework for doing so, leading to the construction of a maximin information functional for nonstochastic variables. It is shown that the largest maximin information rate through a memoryless, error-prone channel in this framework coincides with the block-coding zero-error capacity of the channel. Maximin information is then used to derive tight conditions for uniformly estimating the state of a linear time-invariant system over such a channel, paralleling recent results of Matveev and Savkin