27 research outputs found

    Quantization Bounds on Grassmann Manifolds and Applications to MIMO Communications

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    This paper considers the quantization problem on the Grassmann manifold \mathcal{G}_{n,p}, the set of all p-dimensional planes (through the origin) in the n-dimensional Euclidean space. The chief result is a closed-form formula for the volume of a metric ball in the Grassmann manifold when the radius is sufficiently small. This volume formula holds for Grassmann manifolds with arbitrary dimension n and p, while previous results pertained only to p=1, or a fixed p with asymptotically large n. Based on this result, several quantization bounds are derived for sphere packing and rate distortion tradeoff. We establish asymptotically equivalent lower and upper bounds for the rate distortion tradeoff. Since the upper bound is derived by constructing random codes, this result implies that the random codes are asymptotically optimal. The above results are also extended to the more general case, in which \mathcal{G}_{n,q} is quantized through a code in \mathcal{G}_{n,p}, where p and q are not necessarily the same. Finally, we discuss some applications of the derived results to multi-antenna communication systems.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory in Aug, 200

    Degrees of Freedom of Certain Interference Alignment Schemes with Distributed CSIT

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    In this work, we consider the use of interference alignment (IA) in a MIMO interference channel (IC) under the assumption that each transmitter (TX) has access to channel state information (CSI) that generally differs from that available to other TXs. This setting is referred to as distributed CSIT. In a setting where CSI accuracy is controlled by a set of power exponents, we show that in the static 3-user MIMO square IC, the number of degrees-of-freedom (DoF) that can be achieved with distributed CSIT is at least equal to the DoF achieved with the worst accuracy taken across the TXs and across the interfering links. We conjecture further that this represents exactly the DoF achieved. This result is in strong contrast with the centralized CSIT configuration usually studied (where all the TXs share the same, possibly imperfect, channel estimate) for which it was shown that the DoF achieved at receiver (RX) i is solely limited by the quality of its own feedback. This shows the critical impact of CSI discrepancies between the TXs, and highlights the price paid by distributed precoding.Comment: This is an extended version of a conference submission which will be presented at the IEEE conference SPAWC, Darmstadt, June 201

    Multiuser Diversity for Secrecy Communications Using Opportunistic Jammer Selection -- Secure DoF and Jammer Scaling Law

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    In this paper, we propose opportunistic jammer selection in a wireless security system for increasing the secure degrees of freedom (DoF) between a transmitter and a legitimate receiver (say, Alice and Bob). There is a jammer group consisting of SS jammers among which Bob selects KK jammers. The selected jammers transmit independent and identically distributed Gaussian signals to hinder the eavesdropper (Eve). Since the channels of Bob and Eve are independent, we can select the jammers whose jamming channels are aligned at Bob, but not at Eve. As a result, Eve cannot obtain any DoF unless it has more than KNjKN_j receive antennas, where NjN_j is the number of jammer's transmit antenna each, and hence KNjKN_j can be regarded as defensible dimensions against Eve. For the jamming signal alignment at Bob, we propose two opportunistic jammer selection schemes and find the scaling law of the required number of jammers for target secure DoF by a geometrical interpretation of the received signals.Comment: Accepted with minor revisions, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processin