2 research outputs found

    Tissue Intrinsic Fluorescence Spectra-Based Digital Pathology of Liver Fibrosis by Marker-Controlled Segmentation

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    Tissue intrinsic emission fluorescence provides useful diagnostic information for various diseases. Because of its unique feature of spectral profiles depending on tissue types, spectroscopic imaging is a promising tool for accurate evaluation of endogenous fluorophores. However, due to difficulties in discriminating those sources, quantitative analysis remains challenging. In this study, we quantitatively investigated spectral-spatial features of multi-photon excitation fluorescence in normal and diseased livers. For morphometrics of multi-photon excitation spectra, we examined a marker-controlled segmentation approach and its application to liver fibrosis assessment by employing a mouse model of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced liver fibrosis. We formulated a procedure of internal marker selection where markers were chosen to reflect typical biochemical species in the liver, followed by image segmentation and local morphological feature extraction. Image segmentation enabled us to apply mathematical morphology analysis, and the local feature was applied to the automated classification test based on a machine learning framework, both demonstrating highly accurate classifications. Through the analyses, we showed that spectral imaging of native fluorescence from liver tissues have the capability of differentiating not only between normal and diseased, but also between progressive disease states. The proposed approach provides the basics of spectroscopy-based digital histopathology of chronic liver diseases, and can be applied to a range of diseases associated with autofluorescence alterations

    Apports de la microscopie biphotonique intravitale pulmonaire à l'étude de la physiopathologie de la maladie du charbon

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    Bacillus anthracis, l'agent infectieux responsable de la maladie du charbon, est un agent pathogène majeur du risque biologique provoqué, notamment en raison de la sévérité de la forme respiratoire de la maladie. Celle-ci résulte de l'inhalation de spores dont les mécanismes de pénétration au niveau pulmonaire sont mal connus à l'heure actuelle. Cette thèse présente les apports des microscopies confocale et biphotonique à l'étude de ces mécanismes de pénétration des spores inhalées. Le modèle murin CX3CR1+/gfp, dont la sous-population CD11b+ de cellules dendritiques (DCs) exprime constitutivement la protéine de fluorescence verte (GFP), a été utilisé dans ces travaux. Une première partie présente le développement d'une méthode automatisée de discrimination des DCs parmi d'autres populations cellulaires exprimant le même fluorophore, en se basant sur le calcul d'un coefficient morphologique. Cette méthode a permis d'étudier dans un deuxième temps le comportement spécifique de la sous-population de DCs CD11b, après infection par des spores de B. anthracis. L'étude microscopique a été d'abord effectuée in situ, c'est-à-dire sur des explants pulmonaires maintenus dans des conditions favorables à la préservation de l'activité cellulaire, puis in vivo, sur des souris anesthésiées et ventilées. Le protocole d'imagerie tire profit d'une stratégie d'acquisition et de traitement a posteriori des données permettant de surmonter, sans contrainte mécanique appliquée à l'organe, les problèmes de focalisation liés aux mouvements thoraciques durant la ventilation de l'animal. Cette stratégie originale utilise un sur-échantillonnage de l'acquisition et profite du signal de seconde harmonique généré par le collagène comme référence spatiale ; elle a permis l'observation in vivo d'interactions entre DCs et macrophages au niveau pulmonaire. Ces interactions, de type synapse immunologique, sont favorisées par l'infection et présentent donc un rôle fonctionnel qui reste à définir. La formation de synapses immunologiques entre macrophages et DCs pourrait non seulement représenter un chaînon manquant à l'explication de la pénétration des spores de B. anthracis au niveau pulmonaire, mais pourrait aussi constituer un enjeu crucial dans la compréhension de la réponse immunitaire associée aux infections pulmonaires.Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of anthrax, is a major bioterrorism pathogen mainly because it can lead to a severe respiratory form of the disease. This form results from inhalation of spores, whose ways of entry into the lungs are not fully understood. This thesis reports the contribution of confocal and two-photon microscopy to the study of the penetration mechanisms of inhaled spores. The animal model utilized was CX3CR1+/gfp mouse, which constitutively expresses the green fluorescent protein (GFP) on CD11b+ dendritic cells (DCs). First, we present an automated method allowing discrimination of DCs among other GFP expressing cells, based on a morphologic coefficient. This method was then applied to the study of the specific behavior of CD11b DCs, after infection by B. anthracis spores. The microscopic study was first performed in situ, i.e. on explanted organs kept in conditions favorable to cell dynamics, then in vivo, i.e. on anesthetized and ventilated mice. In this case the imaging protocol profits from both acquisition and post-processing strategies, and allowed overcoming the focalization pitfalls coming from chest movements during ventilation. This novel strategy is based on an over-sampling of frame acquisition and utilizes second harmonic generation signal from alveolar collagen as a spatial reference. It led to the first ever in vivo observation of interactions between DCs and macrophages at the lung level. These immunological synapse-like structures are promoted by infection and thus display a functional role unknown until now. The formation of macrophages-DCs immunological synapses not only could represent a missing-link in figuring out the B. anthracis spore penetration mechanisms at the lung level, but more importantly could lead to a better understanding of the immune response associated with pulmonary infections.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF